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Showing posts from February, 2023

Good is Good

I have several draft posts that are just waiting for their big day to be completed and then published. Three of those drafts have the word "good" in the title. I decided to put them all together in one post and call it "Good is Good".   Tell someone "You done good":  I received a sweet little message from a former colleague of mine.  She wanted to share a compliment she had heard about my work when I was in my healing business. She finished her message by saying, "You done good".  Her words were so meaningful to me, and so was the fact that she took the time out of her life to share her friend's compliment of my work. I was reminded of how important it is that people share the good things being said about them. The world is full of so much criticism, sharing good comments is often not done. I sent a reply to my friend and told her that she had made my day and "She done good". Anyone that has spent any amount of time at a job has a v

February Projects

The February projects all begin with "F".  If there is anything I like it is a theme and the letter "F".  It would appear I also like quotes since this post is laden with them.   Finances, begins the list. I have never enjoyed talking about money, so a visit to my financial advisor means I must talk about money.  I really like the father-son combo, I just would rather talk about life instead of the markets. My takeaway from the whole visit is that the future looks good for investments in the coming year.  So, finances are checked off the February project list.   Food  is always a great topic. I have been giving this little February project idea considerable thought lately. I have noticed I am missing my business, so, I am thinking of starting a wee food business. Baking has always been a joy for me, and I have several people that seem to get joy in eating it. I also like to help working moms and families to make their lives a little bit easier.  I have come up with

Pay it Forward

                                                                         Remember in 2020, during Covid when we were kind and caring, helping each other get through the pandemic.  The drive through at MacDonald's and Tim Horton's were places of incredible acts of kindness.  People paid for orders for the vehicle behind them and that person in turn "paid it forward" and it went on and on.   I have never ever got to the window at a drive through and received a coffee that was paid for. I have to add, I have never ever paid for the people behind me either.  This is a perfect example of giving is receiving. It is simple for me, I find the whole process daunting and confusing, the same reason I don't go to Subway, daunting and confusing for me.  I have decided my next drive through experience I am doing it, coffee for the people behind me.     I recently read a thank you on Facebook.  A lady pulled up to the gas station at the same time as another woman, they were tota

Meaningful people

A while back I had lunch with a friend for the first time in three years.  When we said our goodbyes she said, "I just decided I was going to spend more time with the people that are meaningful in my life".  I was really honored to be on what I felt was a dignified and important list. When I had time to reflect, I thought I don't have a list of meaningful people in my life.  Another thought was: is it possible that everyone has a list of meaningful people except for me? Although I pride myself in self-realization, at that moment I recognized that  I had no clue what the word "meaningful" even means to me.  I am not sure what unique word I use for my list of people I want to honor, probably nothing, so I think I should use the word meaningful.  I like the word, but I am not sure of its true meaning.  A quick google search states "meaningful" is serious, important and useful in some way. I realize I have a mental list of people that are "important&q

So Sad

January 25th was  "Mental Health Awareness" day in Canada. This year " Bell Let's Talk" day had a new campaign, which was "let's change this".  It is a campaign to raise awareness and combat stigma around mental health. Bell donated $10 million to create positive change for mental health.   In Canada, 12 people every day take their own lives.  Ninety percent of those suicides are a result of mental illness, especially depression.  Nunavut has a suicide rate ten times higher than the Canadian rate and the highest in the world. Men commit suicide 3-4 times more often than women, that is the same for male youth.  The medical profession with the highest suicide rate is male dentists, followed by physicians, pharmacists and then nurses.  Recently in a nearby community, a young man just 14 years old, took his own life. His obituary indicated his life was full of friends, he participated in sports and other activities and was overall a typical adolescent.

The number "3"

  A few years ago, a friend shared a tip with me that she had learned at a seminar, and was finding it useful in her own life.  It was to start every day by writing down 3 tasks you wanted to accomplish that day.  They don't have to be big jobs; in reality it is the little 10-minute jobs that seem to pile up.  Why the 3 task/day works is that not only do you get 3 things accomplished each day, but once they are done, so are you. There is always so much to do in a busy household or in maintaining a home, it can become overwhelming, which may result in accomplishing nothing for the day. I wrote three things down for a long time, but right now I just make a plan with my first cup of coffee and store it in my head.  It is a fact that it takes consistently doing the same thing 20 times to develop a habit and I have developed the "3 tasks a day" habit. I understand it works for exercising or walking, but I can't speak to that. I just admire people that don't feel their