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February Projects

The February projects all begin with "F".  If there is anything I like it is a theme and the letter "F".  It would appear I also like quotes since this post is laden with them.  

Finances, begins the list. I have never enjoyed talking about money, so a visit to my financial advisor means I must talk about money.  I really like the father-son combo, I just would rather talk about life instead of the markets. My takeaway from the whole visit is that the future looks good for investments in the coming year. So, finances are checked off the February project list. 

Food is always a great topic. I have been giving this little February project idea considerable thought lately. I have noticed I am missing my business, so, I am thinking of starting a wee food business. Baking has always been a joy for me, and I have several people that seem to get joy in eating it. I also like to help working moms and families to make their lives a little bit easier.  I have come up with an idea that is like the woman that sells fresh produce during the growing season.  She prepares a brown bag of vegetables that are ripe and ready for that week. She charges a set rate, and every Saturday people go and get their produce.  They have no say in what they are getting, it is like a surprise eatable goodie bag. Because mine is a wee business, I would only do one or two orders at a time.  I would consider allergies and food preferences but nothing more.  You take what you get, like the veggie goodie bag.  I already know restrictions that I would make for myself.  There will be no whole wheat or specialty flour, I have never done a good job of baking with anything other than white flour, so why would I even consider it. There will be no pies or tarts, pastry is not my thing.  It will be a big order at one time, because when I bake, I bake! I have always wanted to pack lunches for men that worked in the oil or similar jobs. I am not sure why I had that desire because I hated making five lunches when I had to. 

Fun, you can never max out on fun. I think I used to have more fun than I do now.  The reason I am saying that is I recently had a fun time at a movie.  The Once-a-Month club went to "80 for Brady".  I was laughing from my soul, and I felt so good when I left that movie. If you haven't seen it yet you are missing out on a great experience. The actresses are not young by any means, but mercy are they good.  I was so envious of their adventure, which was grand for movie purposes. I came away reflecting on some wild and crazy adventures I have had in the past with some of the Carievale folk and it made me smile.  To me, my reflection on fun times was either an adventure or doing something I hadn't done before.  I had more of an opportunity when I was working to be involved in new and exciting things to do.  Let me tell you, I had such a fun time at axe throwing and Designer Purse Bingo.    
I can't leave the fun section without mentioning the movie "The Leisure Seeker".  It is probably age sensitive and every person that has ever camped, is senior and loves to laugh needs to watch this movie.  You may be able to find it on Netflix. 
The February Fun project is to be aware of having fun.  I am going to say after something I really enjoyed "that was fun".  I just need to pick it up, and recognize I do fun things. 
Fitness is a word that starts with F and so why not put it on the February project list.  I was considering leaving it out, but admission is good for the soul.  I have some cute little quotes that explain better than my words how fitness is going for me.  But, since it is in the February project list I will consider it, nothing more.  

Friends are always an important project. I am finding the once-a-week lunch date is working out great for me.  I am reconnecting and committing all at once. Time just flies by it seems and I have come to realize I need to commit more to keep my friendships going.  The Once-a-Month club works so well for us.  Nothing structured, just random ideas and off we go.  The February project is going to be to send more text messages. I am not a big phone person, but I do enjoy a long catch-up conversation on the phone from time to time.  So, the project is: when someone pops into my head I am going to connect.  There must be a reason they have come into my thoughts and maybe just a hi will be what they need, or maybe what I need.   

Fashion, always an interesting project.  I have come to realize since Covid and retirement that I have become a "what's comfortable" dresser.  I had a little chat with myself and explained that a nice pair of sweatpants is not something to wear out of the home. I realize that people wear their pajamas to Walmart which is really just one step down from my sweatpants.  I recently pulled my jeans out of the drawer.  Jeans make you realize you have a waist.  I have ignored my waist for a long time, so to speak. So, the February fashion project is to be more mindful of what I am wearing. I realize as I age, I only wear a few items in my closet, I can't remember when I wore it last, so I just go for it. There is nothing wrong with being comfortable, and there is nothing wrong with being fashionable as well.  

Friday needs more recognition than I give it. Once upon a time, Friday was a big day.  It was cleaning day and getting ready for the weekend.  By getting ready, I made sure the hockey and skating bags were ready to go in the winter, ball uniforms and gloves in the spring.  Now, Friday is just the day before the weekend.  When I worked Friday was a big day as it was the last workday of the week.  The day was recognized by ordering food in or drinks with friends after work. You know a way of making the end of a work week significant. Because Friday is the only day of the week beginning with F, I think Friday could be a Fast Food Day. I just think I need to remember what Friday used to mean and make it more memorable. 

I am not sure what you are planning for February, doubtful anyone has a project list like I do.  I feel every month should have its own identity and focus as to what is going to happen in that month. If nothing else, I hope this was a fun read for you and your February is a significant one. 


There will be no blogs this coming 

Sunday and Wednesday 


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