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Pay it Forward


Remember in 2020, during Covid when we were kind and caring, helping each other get through the pandemic.  The drive through at MacDonald's and Tim Horton's were places of incredible acts of kindness.  People paid for orders for the vehicle behind them and that person in turn "paid it forward" and it went on and on.  I have never ever got to the window at a drive through and received a coffee that was paid for. I have to add, I have never ever paid for the people behind me either.  This is a perfect example of giving is receiving. It is simple for me, I find the whole process daunting and confusing, the same reason I don't go to Subway, daunting and confusing for me.  I have decided my next drive through experience I am doing it, coffee for the people behind me.    

I recently read a thank you on Facebook.  A lady pulled up to the gas station at the same time as another woman, they were total strangers.  The one woman told the gas attendant to fill both cars and she would pay.  We all know the cost of gas and even if it were only a quarter empty it was a generous gift. Just by posting on Facebook this woman had already started to pay it forward. I do wonder if the kind act of paying for gas for a total stranger was maybe her paying it forward, who knows, it was so thoughtful. It just warmed my heart to read the story and I was so glad that they shared it.

When people offer to pay me for something I have done for them, I just ask them to pay it forward.  Some people smile and you know it will be done by the end of the day, others are like me at the window at McDonalds, daunted and unsure of how to even make that happen.  

I feel the phrase "it was the right thing to do" goes very nicely with "pay it forward".  Doing the right thing is easier for some than for others.  Once again it is individual and has an individual meaning to every person.  Some people are constantly just giving and doing because that is who they are.  To them living like that is the right way to live.  

We all know people that never give, never help others or even understand the concept of giving. I struggle with that at times and I have decided that doesn't mean I can't do the "right thing" and show them how to do it.  Friendships can be like that and from time to time we may feel we are doing the majority of the work to keep that friendship intact. I was on the receiving end of my friends helping me when I needed it and I probably gave nothing back to them at that time.  I know I have had opportunities to even the score, and I also know how important it is for someone to step up when you can't. Close friendships can be a give and take and the right thing to do is what you can to be there for each other.   

The right thing is often showing up at an event that you really didn't want to go to. Funerals and family events, are often in that category.  We try to find excuses but decide in the end, it's the right thing. Often the rewards are bigger than what you ever expected. You come away thinking that wasn't bad, in fact it was really good.  As long as you don't put an expectation on the event it will be good. 

Recently, I was at the customer desk at Walmart waiting to make a return.  Since Walmart has gone to self-checkout many people use the customer desk to pay for their items.  There were two little boys waiting patiently for their turn.  It was obvious the one was spending his birthday money on a toy; his excitement was palpable. When she rang up his amount he screamed at his mom "I need a toonie".  She said she had no change on her.  I said "I have a toonie" and gave it to him.  The whole line seemed shocked by my action.  I was shocked by their lack of action. I just assumed everyone in line was reaching for a toonie, sadly, I was wrong about that. The lady ahead of me said "that was really nice of you".  Yes, it was nice but it was also the right thing to do. I have heard many stories of people helping others when they don't have enough money to pay for their groceries. It is so nice to know someone steps up and helps them out.  Witnessing acts of kindness is an important reminder for us to help others in need.   

People are really struggling right now.  They are dealing with high prices, demands from their families and perhaps health issues. If there were ever a time to do the right thing or pay it forward it is now.  


  1. Once again Faye, you nailed it. Reminding us to just be nice


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