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Love Yourself

Every Wednesday afternoon when I volunteer, I get to organize an activity. This idea came from one of the clients. She suggested to give everyone a blank canvas and to start by painting something on it. We then passed it to the next person, and they added something, and it would continue on around the table. This is my canvas that came back to me. What a simple, yet powerful message that I knew was what I needed to receive.   

I will never be one of those people that needs to gain weight. I can't even understand the concept, but many have this struggle. I do know what it feels like to judge myself because of my weight. It is very easy to sit in judgment of how we look. To look in a mirror and say, "you look good girl, you got this", is something we need to say more. I have come to realize that if I am wearing something I love, I create more self-love. I just bought a $10 dress at Giant Tiger. I love that dress; I loved how I looked in it and I loved myself in it. It gave me confidence and I felt so much like a girl. I have started to wear bracelets again. When I worked at the University, I never went there, or anywhere, without a bracelet. Once I put my bracelets on, I felt put together. I have decided I need to wear bracelets again; like I used to. I like the look and feel of them, and it is a reminder of how they make me feel inside. I never gave up on the habit of putting earrings and lipstick on every day, but bracelets I did.   
This is Zac, one of my trainers. He and his wife, Jenn run an incredible gym. They work hard at their business, their relationship, being parents and every day, they inspire others. Zac designed this shirt. This is his personal message that he practices and lives by. When I step into that gym, I can feel the love for what everyone is doing. The members of my group, all arrive early to catch up as we wait for the previous group to complete their session. The one thing that happens every time is Zac and Jenn will make us believe in ourselves. They have helped us become strong and develop a love for ourselves through exercise.  

I hope as you read this post, you are thinking, I do have self-love. Not because you wear that dress that makes you feel like a girl, or you wear bracelets, but because you have done the work to love yourself. It does take work to love yourself. There are so many obstacles that don't allow us to feel the best we can about ourselves. I feel our head space is our biggest problem. Also, who we spend our time with can interfere with our self-love. How others make us feel can make or break how we love ourselves.  

I believe the world needs more love and respect. Take a moment and list three things you love about yourself. A line I am using more and more is, "I love that about you". I encourage you to use my line and let someone know how you feel about them. It is such a loving gesture. Spread the love and watch it grow.  



  1. Great advice Faye.

  2. Always admire how you look Faye! You do so much good with all your talent!

  3. Well said, Faye! I hope I can incorporate your words into my core.


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