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Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers are people that were born between 1946 and 1964 and have ages ranging from 60-78 years. By the end of 2024, all Baby Boomers will be 60-year-olds and considered seniors. Within the next 5 years, every Baby Boomer will be eligible for Old Age Security. 

Whether we like it or not, there are people out there that have strong opinions about Baby Boomers. I read an article that outlined why Baby Boomers sit in such criticism. It was an interesting read, and I of course decided to share my take-away.  

1. Tech meltdown. Apparently, it is frustrating to younger folk to explain again and again how to use technology. Many younger generations have grown up with technology and are used to the rapid changes. They seem to be dependent on their devices and of course social media. My biggest problem with technology is I don't want to learn. I don't want a bunch of apps on my phone, or a play list, or all the other things that are offered. I have to say I sit in admiration of those in the boomer era that manage their technology like a pro, that will never be me.  

2. Sucking old age dry. This has been the topic of conversation for years. Baby Boomers are a huge population that do receive OAS. OAS is a non-contributory, pension program which is not based on employment history. It is based on the number of years you have lived in Canada. The pension is so people don't live below the poverty line and can pay their bills. There has been speculation for years that this pension will not be available in the future. The pensions that are now being offered to the working class are amazing. Pensions weren't as available for Boomers as they are now. I worked for 11 years before a pension was offered to me.    

3. Cultural critique. Phones are such a topic of conversation. Boomers like to comment how people rely on their phones and other technology. There is not a boomer out there that hasn't commented on how we used to manage without cell phones. Like it or not, Boomers are buying into the obsession with phones, perhaps more than they realize. 

4. Retirement dream stealer. Working beyond retirement holding down good jobs. This was one of the main reasons I retired, it was to allow someone with a family my dream job. I do have friends that say they wouldn't know what to do in retirement, so they continue to work.   

5. Housing market. Boomers did buy houses cheap in today's standards. Many are still living in those homes. It is now identified that anyone born after 1980 will struggle to get a home.

6. Accidental environment oops. Baby boomers were industrial and are identified as the reason the environment is the way it is. Probably one of the biggest issues for boomer criticism. Boomers entered the workforce during a time of strong economic growth, worked hard and I like to think they didn't realize the effects it may have on the future.

7. Corporate ladder. Some believe Boomers are holding high-paying jobs freezing career progress. Other generations are eager to advance their careers but can't because some old person is at the top. Boomers have worked through decades of rising wages and job opportunities to get to where they are, and some like it there. 

8. Economy policies. Seen as economy policy decision-makers. Boomers received the benefits of long-term stock market gains. Like many, I remember all too clearly suffering through the highs and lows of the stock markets. Many Boomers are now using those investments for retirement income. 

9. Good ole days. Hard work for success, work before play. I doubt that anyone would dispute that Baby Boomers were/are hard workers. Sharing how things were in the good ole days is not often of interest to anyone other than another Boomer.

10. Healthcare. In 2021, the boomers dropped under 25% of the Canadian population. Currently, we sit at 24.9%. But the population of people over 85 years old, has grown. This puts huge demands on the health care system.

11. Political age. I am not sure what this means, but I am assuming it is in regard to the strong opinions Boomers have about politics. 

12. Work ethic. Boomers claim they worked harder than anyone. With today's technology it is explained as working smarter not harder, they solve problems together. I feel strongly that Baby Boomers have a good work ethic. I also feel to a fault. That work ethic has caused many long-term health issues. Every generation has a good work ethic within the demands of that era. Look at the work ethic of our pioneers, they had nothing but sheer strength and determination. 

I am a Baby Boomer. I sit nicely right in the middle of the generation. I like to think I am a good Baby Boomer. I enjoy being retired. I don't work anymore and that is my favorite part of being retired. I have very few political views. My views are basic and practical. I am so fortunate to have no healthcare demands. Apart from living on a farm and having a burning barrel, and using Round-up, I don't think I destroyed the environment. Boomers will never free themselves of being criticized, there are just too many of us. We know we are guilty of the things I have written about; doubtful our actions and opinions will change. As everyone likes to say, "it is what it is".  


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