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Women in Business

This is a topic I am so passionate about. I love to hear stories from women that have developed their own successful business. They dreamed it and they made it happen. 

Women have a variety of reasons to start their own business. Some are tired of, or have lost their jobs, and decided to fulfill the dream of having their own business.  Businesses vary from being at the corporate level to just a small home-based business. When a woman develops her own business, she knows she will have support of others. She also knows, at the end of the day, the person that is truly going to make it successful, is herself. That is where the passion is ignited.  

Over the years, I have had several business plans developed in my head. The one thing that was stopping me from going into business was, I had a career. A good and secure career at that.  I feel many women feel the same and it may have stopped them from branching out into their own business. Some women have no desire to be in business, and if that works for them, good on them. 

I quickly learned there are drawbacks to being in your own business. If you don't work, you don't get paid is the biggest one. Sometimes it takes a long time to get paid. If you work from your home, you now have to share your home with others. Having an outside entrance is a perfect setup for home-based businesses. People text and call for appointments at any time, any day of the week. Your appointment book is now your best friend. I always said if I had to get out of my home quickly, the one thing I would grab would be my daybook. I think I am not alone in this, but I found I would stretch my working days to accommodate everyone. It was hard to say "no".

The upside is you are your own boss. You work as hard as you want. You meet great people, and you learn to manage the ones that aren't. For me, I was able to help people with their health issues and that was so rewarding for me. I loved having my own healing business. No doubt there was so much for me to learn regarding the financial end, but learn I did, and I am forever grateful for the opportunity.

I felt that it was important to have business rules. When I had my healing business the most important rule for me was; the minute the client stepped in the door, until they left, the whole time was about them. I wanted the hour to be memorable and they felt physically, mentally and emotionally better when they left. It was paramount for me to be on time and stay on time, keep my home neat and clean, and always wear a smile. 

I do believe being unique is one of the secrets to success. People gobble up something new and they want to be part of it. Along with the treatments really working, being unique was a big part of my success. Something else that I found helped me be successful was working with another woman. Not necessarily in the same business but someone that guides and mentors you. I could never have been so successful without my dear friend sharing her clientele and making referrals to me. Once I got my own business up and running, we worked together and became the "dynamic duo" in our minds. We always had each other's back. My line was, "she is the best reflexologist and if she can't fix you I don't know anyone that can".  

I have recently fulfilled another one of my dreams of having a baking business. My business partner is 10 years old. She has been my baking buddy since she was 5. In our business, we bake a variety of items and sell them to family and friends. Her Mom said, "she doesn't care about the money, she just loves to do it". What is the saying, "it isn't work if you love what you are doing". So far, we have had three successful baking bag days. One of the things we did before we even started our first business day was to develop our rules. They are be thankful, make it pretty and let everyone think they are getting something for nothing. 

I learned about business very late in my life. I have always felt that every girl needs an education, and to know how to make and manage money. A girl needs to be good at something, so they have something to fall back on. The one thing I want to do with my business partner is to mentor her. She already knows the difference between expenses and income, and you pay the business first. She also knows; the days are long and breaks may not happen. Each business day she continues to learn, and she has developed into a great little baker. To me this is like leaving my legacy to her. Little does she know, this is her something to fall back on. She has become a creative baker and would like to make heart shaped biscuits for Valentine Day. The Christmas trays are planned, and we just keep moving forward. We would never be as successful as we are without our manager, who is her Mom. She has the connections, organizes, does deliveries and the marketing. Managers are often overlooked and with "Baking Bags by May and Faye", our manager is an unsung hero. 

Women are so powerful, not only in business but in life.  When life kicks you to the curb, women pick you up, dust you off and get you going again. Women are also the biggest cheer leaders of other women. As I write this, I hope I have been that woman, because I have had wonderful women to help me. This is your time to reflect on your own power. When did you inspire, help, encourage or just simply be there for another woman and it made a difference. Often women are unaware of the impact they do have on others. There is no doubt in my mind, "Women will always be there for other Women".  


  1. Boy, you said it well. Another great blog. Thanks.

  2. Great Blog Faye. You sure have helped me. Forever Thankful


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