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Showing posts from November, 2023

67 is here

I am sure as you read this blog you are beginning to think, "I don't know one other person on earth that makes more of a fuss over their birthday, birthday month and now birthday year". Its craziness isn't it, but I am having so much fun with it. To be honest, I can't believe I am now 67 years old. How did that happen so quickly? Everyone says that you should live life to the fullest. I believe all of this mayhem is my effort to have some fun while trying to live life to the fullest.   In 1976, my Grandpa Dempsey died at 67 years old, I was 19 at the time. It seems weird to write this, but I thought he was old, and his time had come. I guess being old for me at that time was around 67. He seemed old, he had been ill for years and he looked and acted old. My grandchildren aren't even teenagers yet, so I'm not sure if they think I am old. I loved to spend time with my Grandparents, and I have such fond memories of them. But I never did any of the things with

Last 10 of 66

As my 66th year comes to an end, so does the list of things I have done throughout the year. I am going to start off the last ten, with the trip I made to Saskatchewan for my Alumni event. In this  community there are several old wooden country churches. Making the list of firsts is my visit to the Winlaw Church. It was part of the alumni event and what a beautiful old building. The thing that struck me the most about this church is how the community has put their arms around it to save it. The foundation is not good, which is understandable, and money has been raised to repair it. We were blessed to go inside and witness the beauty within. There it stands holding memories for every community member and now memories for me as well.    I have already written about my first ever Alumni event. Everyone was asked to share what they enjoy about retirement. Some of the comments were: traveling or planning to travel, sewing, knitting or other things that bring them joy. One person has discove

Women in Business

This is a topic I am so passionate about. I love to hear stories from women that have developed their own successful business. They dreamed it and they made it happen.  Women have a variety of reasons to start their own business. Some are tired of, or have lost their jobs, and decided to fulfill the dream of having their own business.  Businesses vary from being at the corporate level to just a small home-based business. When a woman develops her own business, she knows she will have support of others. She also knows, at the end of the day, the person that is truly going to make it successful, is herself. That is where the passion is ignited.   Over the years, I have had several business plans developed in my head. The one thing that was stopping me from going into business was, I had a career. A good and secure career at that.  I feel many women feel the same and it may have stopped them from branching out into their own business. Some women have no desire to be in business, and if th

9 Health Habits

One day I was wandering around on google and I saw this list of habits. I read it and enjoyed the simplicity of it. As I was reading the article, I felt that we all have healthier habits than we realized. We just need to be reminded of them. My health focus is not traditional by any means. I believe the body can heal itself if given a chance. I also believe it can remain healthy if given a chance. The healing must begin before the maintaining. If surgery, medication or therapy are required do it. But, once you are fixed, find a way that works for you to keep your body healthy. In other words, take control of your own health. I put very little thought into being healthy, I think it is because I feel healthy. I don't have aches and pains or any chronic issues. I believe because of that I put little effort into making sure I stay that way. I really am blessed; I watch how people suffer and continue to push forward in life. I came from a community that works hard and plays hard. That h

Reset Button

Have you ever had those days where you think you either got up on the wrong side of the bed or you need to go back to bed and get up in a better mood? If we feel it, we should do it. I refer to it as hitting the reset button. O n a very odd occasion I wake up in a bad mood. I hate being in a bad mood, words and actions happen that I don't like and for that reason, going back to bed to reset is usually my option. I have never given myself permission to ruin another person's day because I am in a bad mood. I am very much a morning person. It doesn't seem to matter how much sleep I get  I am ready for my day to start between 5-6 am and many days earlier than that. During my working days I would always dream of being retired and sleeping in. At the very least getting up when I wanted to. Well, that day has come and now I am awake at an insanely early time in the morning. I used to wonder why retired people didn't sleep in, they had nothing to get up for. Well, I have cracke

Remembrance Day

  I am republishing the Post I made last year for Remembrance Day. Since Nov 11th is a day of Remembrance, here are my memories.  Dad is part of the recognition of veterans in   Carievale, the town he loved so much My Dad became a Veteran after he served for three years in World War II and then became a proud member of the Royal Canadian Legion.  These are my dad's own words from the family history book.  He wrote only one paragraph of his time involved in the war.   The truck he spoke about in his write up Imagine leaving a simple life on the farm and enlisting in the military to fight a war halfway around the world. Dad didn't speak about the war much until the last few years of his life.  The effects of his time as a soldier stayed with him his entire life. I will always remember his reaction whenever the jets from the Minot Air Force base would break the sound barrier.  His entire body would jump with no control, it looked like he thought he had just been shot at.  You coul