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Reset Button

Have you ever had those days where you think you either got up on the wrong side of the bed or you need to go back to bed and get up in a better mood? If we feel it, we should do it. I refer to it as hitting the reset button. On a very odd occasion I wake up in a bad mood. I hate being in a bad mood, words and actions happen that I don't like and for that reason, going back to bed to reset is usually my option. I have never given myself permission to ruin another person's day because I am in a bad mood.

I am very much a morning person. It doesn't seem to matter how much sleep I get I am ready for my day to start between 5-6 am and many days earlier than that. During my working days I would always dream of being retired and sleeping in. At the very least getting up when I wanted to. Well, that day has come and now I am awake at an insanely early time in the morning. I used to wonder why retired people didn't sleep in, they had nothing to get up for. Well, I have cracked the code why this happens with retired people, it is, because. No other explanation, just because. Some days I choose to lay around in bed, but most of the time, my coffee and computer are calling me. I have a little routine and I like it. Right now, it is pitch black for several hours after I get up. Perfect, I don't have to get rolling until daylight. 
Now on the flip side of people like me are the people that announce, "I'm not a morning person". Okay, so what does that mean. You can usually pick them out, they send off a very clear message, don't speak to me or I may bite your head off. I will not engage in idle chit chat. They look half asleep and the only thing they appear to care about is their coffee. Usually, a non-morning person is someone that stays up late at night, by late I mean midnight or later. Hence, being tired the next day. I've worked with many people that were not morning people. They gave off a strong vibe and I knew just to keep my distance. It didn't seem to bother them they were giving off that vibe.   
The morning people start to flag in the afternoon, about the same time as the not morning people start to hit their stride. Not to mention don't interrupt a morning person's evening routine. Pajamas on as soon as possible, to bed early and simply no activity anywhere. The not morning person is just getting warmed up and starting to accomplish things. Morning people send texts and posts before 6 am, not morning people send texts and posts at 11 pm. 

I have had several discussions which center around spending time on Facebook or social media. During those discussions, most people feel they waste too much time on social media. John Lennon says, if you enjoy wasting time, it was not wasted. I agree, it's your life to waste time if you decide too do so. This is how I enjoy wasting my time every morning. During my first cup of coffee this is my routine. It always takes place in my housecoat, in my recliner, blanket on, with my computer, phone, notepad and pen within reach. I open my computer and first up I read the news articles that come on my opening page. It is followed by checking my email and dumping my junk mail. I block junk emails daily, yet they keep on coming. Then I move onto Facebook, and I end with blogging. I will sit for as long as I want or can. That seems to center me for the day. Now, let's remember my day is not that busy anymore. I have no huge decisions to make, or places to be, so being centered is quite easy. But it is a task that I realize needs to be done. I develop a day plan and make sure my 3 tasks for the day are written down. I would think it is very much like having a plan. Call it whatever resonates with you, for me it is like pushing a reset button for the day. 
I will re-check Facebook a few times a day, but I am not one to check out pages or shop. I think I could honestly say I am bored with Facebook. I keep it in my life because I do like pictures, funny quotes and lastly people's personal comments. I appreciate sarcasm so those are the ones that really make me giggle. Social media is a place I feel we could all push the reset button. Reset to what is most useful and deserving of our time. At the end of the day, we all feel more accomplished if we have used our time wisely. 
I had a conversation with a friend that was going for a lung biopsy the next day. Understandably she was very nervous about the procedure, but she had a plan. She said, "you can do anything for 20 minutes. When that 20 minutes is up, then you start over again". I thought, breaking it down into a focus for 20 minutes would make it tolerable. She is right, once that is done you move on to the next 20. In other words, you push the reset button. 
I believe each of us has had to push our "life" reset button at least once. These buttons are massive, but we are given no choice. Going from a couple to a single person is one of those buttons. Relocating and starting over in a new place also has a huge reset button. Going from a simple routine to one that is full of appointments requires resetting. The list could be long, and I am sure you are reflecting on the time you pushed the reset button and were not even aware you did it.  
In closing, think about the times you have had to push your reset button. Some of us have had to push the big buttons several times. Not because we are slow learners, but because our life requires it. The smaller buttons are easier to push. Maybe, just maybe we need to push our small reset button more often, just to make our lives easier.  I believe that is worth thinking about.  


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