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Everyone needs a home

One of the many elimination shows that I watch is, "America's Got Talent". This year one of the performances was a choir of formerly homeless people. They have gotten clean and are giving back by sharing their beautiful voices. When the host asked one of the singers what we need to know, he said, "don't walk by, everyone needs a home". 

Currently in Brandon, there are over 400 homeless. A long and cold winter will be here in an incredibly short amount of time. I have never ever taken the time to ask the City Council what their plans are for the homeless. To be honest, I don't really know how to do that. I am assuming it must start at the city level, I am once again not sure. So, basically what I am saying is, "I don't know how to make a difference". I am choosing to write about it, I guess my hope is someone reading this will know how to help.

Historically, it seemed the homeless were older. I have heard many went to the streets when they closed the psychiatric hospital on the hill. It was also said that they wanted to be homeless. I think the demographics have changed because the average age of the homeless is 25-34 years. I don't think they are choosing to be homeless; they have made some bad choices perhaps with drugs that have left them without their home. Currently, there is only the Samaritan House that has room for 27 people to sleep at night. At a certain time in the morning these 27 people have to go somewhere else. I understand they go to the Blue Door where they can have a shower, rest and have something to eat. There are many initiatives downtown which are working very hard but have limited manpower and resources. When I drive downtown, the homelessness becomes real. The increasing number of people hanging out on the streets is alarming. At noon there is a long line of people waiting for the soup kitchen to open, in all types of weather. It is not uncommon to see tent cities set up in a variety of areas.   

There is a massive undertaking going on in Brandon. They are making an outside recreational area for soccer and cricket. There has been $12.5 million of federal, provincial and local money allocated for this project. There is already a large soccer pitch, but it is in the flood lands and often can't be used in the spring. The new pitch is just down the road in an area that is also in a low area that has been often flooded in the spring. I am assuming they will be building dikes to protect it, but I really don't know that. There has been huge discussions and controversy about this new project on social media.   

My thoughts go to, what if $12.5 million was allocated for the drug issue and homeless, what could be done. There are so many beautiful old and vacant buildings in the downtown core that could be transformed into a large hostel. Recently, one of the stately old buildings was totally cleaned out. Hundreds of loads of garbage and lumber were taken from that building, but nothing seems to have been done since. 

I had the NDP candidate from my area, come to my home to ask for my support in the upcoming election. I asked him what their plans are regarding homelessness, the drug problem and the high crime within the city. These issues are listed on their political platform. It was a very interesting conversation and I learned so much from this man. He said that if it were a flood, we would take care of it but sadly there aren't enough people concerned about the homelessness and drug problem in our city. I believe that is an accurate statement. I live a very long way from downtown and can easily pretend we don't have an issue. But we do and it is huge. In Brandon we have some people that are working very hard, and we have programs that are amazing, and the plan is to bring them all together. Apparently, there was a large amount of money allocated three years ago for a project to help but it has yet to be implemented.  

Going back to the man that said, "everyone needs a home", how would we make it happen. In Budapest there are no homeless. Everyone has a bed at night, if they are on the streets the police pick them up and take them to a bed. I realize we have more privileges in Canada than they do in Budapest, but I found that an interesting fact.

I recently read an article that I found extremely interesting because I expected a different result. In Calgary, a group of homeless were given $7500 each and then a follow up was done as to how they spent it. The results were profound in that, they used the money to pay rent, buy food and clothing not for drugs.  

This is one of my posts, that I hope I have provided accurate information. If not, please accept the fact that my focus here is always to provide awareness. The bottom line for me is, I know so little about making a difference in downtown Brandon. The crime rate is rising because it seems to go with addiction. I would not want to be in policing right now, they have the daunting job of daily dealing with addicts and overdoses. If I were to pick something that I think would help, it would be, provide a large enough program to get the people off the street, clean from addiction and mentally healthy. I don't think it is possible to get clean without some additional help, support and proper guidance. Currently, they are just existing, and they need a home and to live a much better life. I keep writing about this topic because I am personally frustrated with my lack of understanding. It is obvious I have no Plan A and no Plan B to help, but someone does. If you are reading this and you are that someone, I have utmost respect and admiration for your ability. Your job must be overwhelming but keep doing it. I humbly say, "Thanks for making a difference". 


  1. An issue close to my heart too, feel like you though, what do we do. So very sad.

  2. A very interesting read, Faye! I too saw that group sing on AGT. I also don’t know what the answer is. There does have to be some enishiative (?) on their part.


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