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Showing posts from September, 2023

Light the Candle

So, here I go again, a post about an elimination show. The vast majority of my TV watching is elimination shows for the following reasons: I find them exciting; I don't have to follow a plot and I love personal stories.  One of my favorite shows is, "Amazing Race Canada". Oh, how I love that show and since it started, I have hardly missed an episode. Canada is such a beautiful country, and the show gives me an opportunity to revisit places I have been to, and to see places I have never heard of. It is like a small holiday on Tuesday night.  In July, when this year's show began, Ty Smith and his girlfriend Kat Kastner were contestants. In their introduction it was revealed that Ty was a survivor of the Humboldt Bronco accident. They showed a picture we are all familiar with of the the team with their golden hair. They also shared a news clip of Ty recovering in his hospital bed. My heart just sank, and I went right back to that fateful day.  Ty and Kat were just an ama

22-56 of 66 things

On January 29th I wrote about the first 22 things of the 66 activities and new things I was going to do before I turned 67 in November. It only took me 6 weeks to do the first 22. As I knew would happen the pace has slowed considerably. Now several months later I am reflecting on what I have accomplished since January.   This post goes way back to February. I am starting it off with the delightful morning I had at Knit Wits with my mom. I think a knitting group is something I would enjoy. I would like my knitting group to have a cause, like the one my mom's group has. A big shout-out to this devoted group of 9 women, they have made and given away over 1000 prayer shawls in six years.  One of Mom's shawls In February I was in Comox. I had the pleasure of being part of making pancakes for Strove Tuesday at my Grandkids school. My responsibility was to make the pancake batter and yes it was everywhere, but it filled my heart up with being a volunteer.  During that visit my 6-year-

Everyone needs a home

One of the many elimination shows that I watch is, "America's Got Talent". This year one of the performances was a choir of formerly homeless people. They have gotten clean and are giving back by sharing their beautiful voices. When the host asked one of the singers what we need to know, he said, "don't walk by, everyone needs a home".  Currently in Brandon, there are over 400 homeless. A long and cold winter will be here in an incredibly short amount of time. I have never ever taken the time to ask the City Council what their plans are for the homeless. To be honest, I don't really know how to do that. I am assuming it must start at the city level, I am once again not sure. So, basically what I am saying is, "I don't know how to make a difference". I am choosing to write about it, I guess my hope is someone reading this will know how to help. Historically, it seemed the homeless were older. I have heard many went to the streets when they c

Life's Hurdles

Do you ever feel that your life sport is hurdles?  You get over one hurdle, and then there is another, and then there is another and eventually you get to the finish line. By that time you are totally exhausted, and you know that at any point in your life you will have to overcome your life hurdles again. Since I am not an athlete of any size, shape or form, the "Sport of Life" will be the closest I will ever get to any sport, especially hurdles.    I have some very small personal hurdles, and some not so small. I am choosing to write about the small ones. It seems that as a person ages, nothing is as easy as it was before. For some reason so many things require doing at least twice. For example, I live in the opposite end of the city as Walmart, Winners and Home Depot. It never fails if I buy something from those stores, I will have the wrong size, something is missing from the box, or it is simply not right. So back I go, doing it all over again. I personally find the Corra

Happy Birthday Blog

On September 12, 2022, I pushed the "publish" button on my very first blog post. I remember feeling nervous, excited and accomplished. I had done what I describe as, "stopped talking about it and did it". Since that day I have published 93 posts. Today is a special day for me, it is proof I can stick with something for an entire year and still have more to give.    I am astonished that I have had so much to say in my blog posts. Many random conversations with others can ignite something in me and I think, "I need to write about that". I never thought of myself as having an opinion on nearly everything, but maybe I do. People and their wisdom inspire me to think about my own wisdom. I have always loved trivia and it has served me well on so many of my topics.  I have learned that I am entitled to my opinion, but it can't be hurtful to others. Respect is so important in life but certainly when writing. Facts are also important. Since I started to blog, I


  No one wants to miss this post. Faye is writing about something she knows very little about, politics. In Manitoba an election date has been set for October 3. There are frequent advertisements on the TV, showing the candidates stating what they are going to do if they were to be the next Premier of Manitoba.  Heather Stefanson is our current Premier and is leading the Conservative party. I wish with all my heart, that as a woman, she would have been more successful. Sadly, she has gained very little respect for her decisions and is rated as the least popular premiere in Canada.  Wab Kinew, has been leading the NDP party for some time. He is hoping to be the first, First Nations Premiere. I really like Wab, and his platform. He has a tough on crime platform, with plans to support policing and the homeless. He is using his own experience in the justice system to help address the crime. He has always been a big advocate for Health care. His wife is a doctor, and he feels the front-line