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22-56 of 66 things

On January 29th I wrote about the first 22 things of the 66 activities and new things I was going to do before I turned 67 in November. It only took me 6 weeks to do the first 22. As I knew would happen the pace has slowed considerably. Now several months later I am reflecting on what I have accomplished since January.  

This post goes way back to February. I am starting it off with the delightful morning I had at Knit Wits with my mom. I think a knitting group is something I would enjoy. I would like my knitting group to have a cause, like the one my mom's group has. A big shout-out to this devoted group of 9 women, they have made and given away over 1000 prayer shawls in six years. 
One of Mom's shawls
In February I was in Comox. I had the pleasure of being part of making pancakes for Strove Tuesday at my Grandkids school. My responsibility was to make the pancake batter and yes it was everywhere, but it filled my heart up with being a volunteer. 

During that visit my 6-year-old Granddaughter and I made her two dresses. This was our first sewing adventure together.  She has a long list of things she can already do; they include cooking, baking and cross-stitch. After much practice she can now add knitting and sewing to her list. 

Spring meant that the purge was on to make useful items from my wool. I have now used up all my medium wool. It was made into afghans and matching hats for the NICC unit. I've gotten back into making baby sets with fine wool. I knit my first "Angel Cape". I am planning to use up my lightweight wool on making very tiny clothes for those babies that never had a chance to live. I believe angel babies should look as beautiful as they are.


I decided to overhaul my bedroom and the first thing to go was the mattress. It is not easy to find a place to take mattresses, but I did. St Paul Baptize out of the Catholic Church has volunteers that pick-up furniture and deliver it immediately to people in need. My mattress went to a home with a mother and her six children that were starting over in Brandon. The efficiency of this group was just short of amazing.

On one of mom's visits, I decided we would play Bingo. Mom used to be a bingo player and Kinsmen Bingo is a 30-minute event right from your home. Neither of us had ever played off the TV and I have to say we were not close at all, but it was fun. 

Another first on that visit was to do a circular puzzle.  The puzzle was a Christmas gift, and I knew it would be perfect for Mom and me to do. 

My Bestie and I had our annual retreat as we call it, at the Glamping domes close to Brandon. It was a fun experience and another new thing for me was sleeping under the stars. The dome is open at the top and it was clear nights so you could see the stars as you laid in bed.  

Several of my first time ever activities I have already written about. They include: "The Leaf" at Winnipeg, being checked at the US border when leaving the US. They called it an outgoing inspection. Enjoyed a delightful evening at a high school musical. We all need to do more things that make us happy, like watching children having fun. This is one you have all been waiting for: finished my kitchen renos. Hallelujah, to say the least. I along with millions of other people watched the Coronation of King Charles. 

I volunteered at the University in May. What fun that was, I just had to show up. No preparation or any other requirements. It was nice to visit the building, the staff and to watch students in pursuit of their dream career. 

The contract was finally up on my phone. I had been looking through a smashed screen for about 15 months and the day finally came to replace it. A change over to a new phone is never easy and it will be an ongoing project for sure. 

I ate frosted flakes for the very first time. I do enjoy Corn Flakes and I am not sure how these little gems got past me. 

Not that I would recommend this, but I felt the need to add this to a list of firsts: washed my Fitbit. The little sucker came out of the washer, cleaner and never missed a beat. I am pretty sure I did not buy a water resistance Fitbit, but one would wonder. 

In early June on a visit to a friend in Killarney we enjoyed some time floating on the lake. Ever though it was the early part of June the water was already warm and comfortable. The locals stated that they had never been floating on the lake that early in the year. It was just a delightful day. 

Sunset over the Killarney Lake

I am the owner of Norwex dryer balls. Apparently, you need to stick them in a sock and wash them, it revitalizes them. So, that has now been added to my list of "firsts". 

This trip completed lots of first during my visit to Panorama. I have never been to Panorama to start with, never been in an Air BnB nor have I had the opportunity to enjoy natural hot springs.

I put Vicks on my sunspots on my face. A dear friend of my mom's has perfect skin and she said it worked for her. It didn't lift the marks, but I think if they were smaller it would have. Mom uses Vicks on her restless legs at night and it provides her with amazing comfort. 

I spent 6 days with Mom in the Cardiac Care Unit. I have been lucky that I haven't had to sit with anyone in ICU before. I am hoping that is my one and only time, but you never know. 

I started a baking business with my ten-year-old partner. So far, we have had 2 business days. The first one was "Baking Gift Bags by May and Faye" followed by "Back to School Bags by May and Faye". Those days were a huge success thanks to our family and friends. The next undertaking will be "A Bag of Biscuits by May and Faye". We just feel like true entrepreneurs. 

I have already written about getting my vehicle adjusted for hail. I feel the whole experience needed to make the list as a first time experience. 

I took ziplining off my bucket list. At Turtle Crossing they have a "Family Friendly" zipline, and I thought why not. The set up is cute, you sit on a disk and down you go to the bottom of a small hill. I managed to get myself on the disk and the next thing I realized was I was going faster than the speed of sound towards the unknown. I knew that when I got to the end, I may hit something or fly off like a lawn dart. I decided to slow myself down by putting my foot on the ground. I was only a couple of feet off the ground, because my weight brought the wire down substantially. So, I touched down with my foot and spun myself off the disk. I crashed to the ground and plowed the wood chips for about 6 feet before I let go. When I finally let go the disk came back and smoked me in the head. I realized I had survived the extreme sport of ziplining without breaking something other than my pride. So, now I have to get up!!!! My feet are pointing up hill, as if it isn't bad enough. Not sure about everyone else but I can't just get up in the middle of nowhere. I tried putting my knee down in the clearing I had made in the wood chips and eventually I got to my feet. I was beyond embarrassed, but it had to be entertaining for those watching. My dear grandchildren witnessed the event and didn't even laugh, although I am sure many people watching and reading this did. Just to caution you, family friendly, should not be taken lightly. 

The scene of the crime
I painted and hid rocks during my grandchildren's visit. Brandon is invested in their project, "Westman Rocks". There are several areas throughout the city where you can place a rock or find one. 

I am hoping I am not the only one on the planet that didn't know this. My son bought me "daylight" light bulbs. From the moment he put them in my bathrooms, my world just became a whole lot brighter.  And they don't put off any heat. They sell them at Canadian Tire in boxes of 8. Life changing!!!!

Summer fun times included a stay at the Onanole Bed and Breakfast for two nights with a dear friend. I also visited Ditch Lake and spent an amazing time on the water and touring around the park with some of the best hosts ever. 

This post brings me to the last 10 things of 66. I have two months to complete them. I want to remind you if you ever think your life is boring, or you don't challenge yourself to do new things, start a list. You will be surprised how your life is so much more fun and exciting than you ever thought it would be. 



  1. That is great some laughs !

  2. A very enlightening blog! And I did Lol fyi


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