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May Days

 And just like that, it is May. Once May arrives it seems things come alive, and the action begins. This year has already been defined as a "late" year for the farmers. The fields are changing in a very quick fashion from dull winter to a fresh spring look. The way crops are planted has certainly changed over time. The big semis and large equipment are lined up at the edge of the field to get the seeds in the ground in an efficient manner. The expense, experience and knowledge that goes into spring seeding, and farming overall, has made farming into big business. 

A stop at the Green House is finally necessary, to prepare for the planting of trees, gardens, and flowerbeds. The smells, sights and sounds of a Green House are almost addictive to some, and what a healthy addiction to have. I enjoy the grandeur of all of it, but I am okay with just picking up what I need and calling it done. I am noticing I am picking up the same thing every year and how very boring that can be. 

Since 1915, Mother's Day has always been celebrated in May. Forty-three years ago, I was due to have a baby on Mother's Day. I thought to myself, if this is a girl how unfair to have two of the biggest celebration for women so close together. I think it would be like being born on Christmas. Forty-three years ago, Mother's day came and went and I chose Victoria Monday to have my daughter. It was 1980, and her birth was the day after Mount St. Helen's erupted, my Doctor thought I should call her "Helen". Victoria was also thrown in the mix, but I had my own plans for a name. When my daughter was asked when her birthday was, she used to say, "May Long".

May Long is the long weekend to honor Queen Victoria's birthday which was on May 24. This holiday has been celebrated in Canada since 1845, on the last Monday before May 25th. It is now being informally considered as the start of the summer season. 

Nurses' week was started in 1985 when the Nursing Associations passed a resolution to begin negotiations with the federal government, to have a weeklong recognition of Nurses. The Minister of Health proclaimed an annual National Nurses Week, during the second week in May. The week includes Florence Nightingale's May 12 birthday, in honor of her remarkable work as a nurse.   

This has always been the way I have felt about Nursing

On May 6, 2023, the world witnessed the first Coronation in 70 years. It was steeped in Royal splendor at it's finest. The precision to pull off such a flawless event, is nothing short of a miracle. I love everything about the whole glitz and glamor that is at a Royal event. The Coronation carriage that was made of gold in the 1800s was an indication of the wealth that the Royals have. It is apparently very uncomfortable to ride in because the suspension is made of leather. It weighs 4 tons and needs 8 horses to pull it. The Diamond Jubilee Carriage that Prince William and family rode in was only 3 tons.  Something else that was heavy was the Queen's crown which weighed 1.5 pounds and the King's was 5 pounds. There were 4000 soldiers from all over the world and 12 marching bands. They spanned 1.3 of the 1.4 miles of the parade. 

The monarch is our true-to-life fairytale story of princes and princesses. Prince William, Kate and their family always steal the show. This year it was Louis. He didn't get to go to the Queen's funeral, but he was ready for this occasion. Those children are amazing, and being patient must be in their blood.  The boring events they must attend with no complaints are more than anyone should have to endure. Louis does provide his own little side show and is fast becoming the royal to watch. Louis didn't attend the entire ceremony and the shots of him yawning reminded us, he is only 5. He needs some work on his Queen wave, but his real-life kid reactions are just precious. I heard once that Charlotte will be one of the wealthiest royals because of her fast-developing fashion taste. Kate was stunning as usual and made her look her own by choosing not to wear a tiara but a handmade tiara of flowers that matched her dress. I have nothing but respect for William and all he must do as he waits to become King. They make the perfect little Royal family in my eyes. 

As we spanned the crowd for a glimpse of Harry, we were all reminded that every family has its troubles. Harry, the Spare, has always been the wild child. I just think all of the issues are way to public. I have a huge soft spot for Harry, and maybe he is the lucky one to be able to live the life he chooses. 

 At the Coronation, Princess Anne was the "Gold-Stick-in-Waiting. It is described by her as a close protection officer, much like a bodyguard.  She was on horseback directly behind the King and Queen. She led the 6000 Marching Military and Band members and was the only Royal that rode a horse. Princess Anne is known as the hardest working Royal. In fact, she didn't attend the After Coronation Concert, taking a practical approach to be ready for engagements the next day.  

At a time of poverty in the UK I am sorry that the taxpayers had to pay for the Coronation. The announcers said that the King could easily have paid for the event with the huge fortune he has. He has not only his own money but was also the recipient of his parent's money. But we all know that is not the way things work. The people were definitely there to support the King, as it seems they are for any Royal event. 

I am not sure what May will bring for me. I am not starting any new projects, just completing the ones I have started and not finished. As I post this, I am reminded we are one third through May already. Goodness, life can go by in a hurry. I hope that each of you has some type of celebration to enjoy during May. Make sure the green house is on your list, and hopefully we will all be watching and talking about the rain from time to time. 

In Closing I just want to wish everyone "Happy May Days".  


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