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The room

Is it just me or does everyone have a room that has no clue how to look after itself?  Is it also the room that holds your hidden addiction?  

My room is my wee laundry room also referred to as the command center.  On the second Sunday of the first month of the new year, I took the room on.  From the outside it looks organized and somewhat tidy, although for some reason it doesn't get regular cleaning.  I am convinced that it is possible, one could get a dust born disease if they spent to much time in there.  The dust was one thing, mainly from the dryer, but I have come to realize that I have a paper addiction.  How would I possibly know that, well, because I found hundreds of pieces of paper, small envelopes, large puffy envelopes and other paper items, just waiting to be used.  They were neatly contained in a small cabinet, hiding out I believe.   Standing there looking at an insane amount of paper, I became very thankful that I am someone that loves to purge.  Purge I did and there is no doubt my recycle will have to hit the curb on the next garbage day.  It was clear to me that for the rest of my life I would never have been able to possibly use up all the paper and envelopes I had collected. I don't want to call loving the stationary isle in Dollarama an addiction, I like to think of it as practical shopping.  But, I have imposed a restraining order on myself, from any purchases from the stationary isle in any store.  I can look not buy.

What prompted all of this mania was the purchase of a new desk.  Other factors were: a new year, energy from a good sleep and the fact I said I was going to do it. The need to organize and purge all of my stationary supplies was evident when I came to the realization that in my kitchen I had 3 drawers, each with a basket containing pens, pencils and a side of a notebook.  It was not uncommon for me to go to each of those drawers in search of the perfect pen.  I also had 2 spots for pens in my wee laundry room and I was setting up a new pen area in my desk.  Isn't this almost unbelievable.  I am proud to write, I have taken care of the situation and now have one spot in my kitchen with pens and notepads.  A cute little container in my  laundry room and of course one in my desk. For someone that lives in 900 sq feet I think that is enough, the pen spots were cut in half. 

The paper issue was interesting.  I had obviously thought at some point when I worked at the University that I needed every color of paper they had.  I remember using the color paper but the rest has just been occupying a drawer. I adapted a habit of my Mom's to not write on an envelope from a card so you could keep it for reusing.  We clearly don't use envelopes anymore, especially the amount I had.  I had also added to the envelope supply with what appeared to be a project that required cute little envelopes.  Part of dealing with "excess" is to face it by putting it all in one pile. I piled everything up in the living room to be dealt with. I didn't worry about it being a waste, I decided it either went to the garbage, back in the drawer or give it away.  I am at the age now where I can think "am I ever going to use this up in my lifetime?". I am proud to say, things are under control, no more neglect of the laundry room and no more paper addiction.  I think the restraining order will be helpful. 

This little sucker can
hold an amazing amount of
It was somewhat bothersome, that I have self proclaimed my addiction.  Not wanting to feel alone, I thought of my friends and what other people collect, possibly in excess.  I have come up with several items: wool, fabric, scrapbook and craft supplies, recipe books, novels, and if not listed, feel free to add your own item.  


You can tell when people love books because they will have them on display. They don't hide them away in containers or closets, like the other collectables I have listed.  People will say "you must enjoy reading", where as they can't say to me, "you must enjoy having an insane amount of paper".  I have a few books in my closet and they fall into one category, going to read.  I have a handful of books that I have kept after reading them, but very few.  I like to read, I just don't do it often.  I do know I have wonderful books when the notion to read happens.  The thing that I don't understand about books is how do you take care of them?  I hate dusting so probably one of the reasons I don't have a book shelf.  I learned a long time ago from Suze Orman, having stuff means you have to take care of it.  We would never think about our collectables like we do clothes, if we don't use it in a year, it is gone.  Oh no no no, that is not going to happen.  Perhaps the issue, no rules or guidelines for the things we collect.   

Having things is important to us.  I have several talented people in my world that quilt.  A quilt takes a lot of fabric, so fabric collectors would certainly have to be ready with a supply.  I have seen quilts on Facebook, with a caption "just using up scraps".  Using up supplies is part of collecting.  I think wool falls in that category.  I have a good supply of wool and my plan is to use it up before getting any more.  That is a big task because it takes a long time to knit something.  To be anywhere near to an accomplished scrap booker, you must have lots of supplies.  Seriously, who wants each page or card to look the same.  The same with crafting, who wants the same craft over and over again.  Part of the problem is we don't want to waste anything.  We are okay if we can give it away, which means someone else now has our problem.  

As I am writing this I realize, it's not our fault if we have an excess of something. We are passionate about that item and what it can become.  I have come to realize it is how people deal with the excess that is important.  I am very aware of making sure I don't have an excess of clothes, food and other items. So, I guess if I have/had an excess of paper that is okay, sort of.  I feel a huge sense of accomplishment by dealing with my paper supply and sharing about the experience. Are you saying to yourself after reading this post "why do I have so much of ....? and can I do anything about it?" I have to say when you deal with it, it is freeing. 

Google says an informal definition of an addict is: 

an enthusiastic devotee of a specified thing or activity.  


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