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22 of 66 things


On my "66th" birthday I wrote: "my plan is to do 66 creative and memorable things in the next year".  Usually, I will make a detailed list of the things I am going to do in the new year, but for this year, I am just going to let it happen.  Throwing the control to the curb, I soon realized, I needed a commitment in order to commit.  Since there are only fifty-two weeks in a year, I realized I would need to accomplish at least one thing a week. I just counted and it is nine weeks since I made my birthday commitment and here I am posting the first 22.  Some of the 22 aren't creative or memorable, they are things that needed to be done.  Yep, changing the rules up as I go, because I can. 

I was inspired to be spontaneous and the very first thing I did was set up a breakfast date on my birthday with the members of my "Once a Month Club".  I thought it was a great way to start off the year and was it ever.  Everything about it was lovely. 

The perfect little gift to remind me
of my special friends

Early in December the President at the University recognized the people that had retired during Covid.  I am sure he didn't arrange it by himself, but he made it happen.  Initially, I had little interest in attending and then I thought why not, I could wear my retirement dress one more time.  I asked a good friend to go with me and away we went.  The room was tastefully decorated, and the meal was amazing.  As each of us went onstage, the President spoke personally about our accomplishments within each individual faculty.  He had taken the time to contact each department, ask what they felt needed to be said and shared it with those present.  He presented us with a gift card in reflection of our years served and a print of a painting of Clark Hall by a local artist.  I came away feeling very special, which is exactly how you should feel when you have been honored. 

I actually worked there for 13 years.

A gift to each of the Retirees

Since it hadn't been touched for 18 years, I thought it would be a good idea to revise my will.  My favorite part of the experience, was when my lawyer looked me square in the eye and said, "I hate to say this, but we aren't getting any younger.  You are at the age where you need a POA".  The comment "at the age" shocked me for a few minutes, but I have such respect for my lawyer and if he said I needed a POA, I got a POA. I don't think I will ever need to make another will, but who knows.  It was a two-appointment process and I feel a great sense of relief that it is over.  I just heard on Kelly and Ryan that you should revise your will annually.  I made minimal changes in 18 years, so I am assuming that direction is for young parents.

I have organized my gift certificates and put them where they are easily accessible so when I am in said store on the certificate, I actually have the card. In Canada there is $17.5 million of unused cards.  That is a bit astronomical to say the least and I doubt my little project is going to make a dint in lowering that amount. 

I am always seeking new and exciting ways of gift giving, since everyone in my world needs nothing.  I discussed with my sister the idea of a sister gift as opposed to a Birthday gift.  The sister gift can arrive at any time of the year, which means the hunt is on for the perfect gift.  You know how something will cross your path and it is just perfect as a gift. You may buy it, or not and regret it later. Some people just buy on instinct and keep it for later.  That is how I used to be, but somehow I have gotten out of the practice.  Now, with the sister gift looming, it will be "buy it when I see it". 

Fun little Christmas gift I made for my 
Great Nieces and Nephews. 

Just before Christmas, Neelin High School performed the musical, "Anastasia".  I have never been to a High School musical and I decided I was going to make plans to attend. I asked my little 9-year-old buddy to go with me and away we went on a great "Girl's Night Out".  The planning was so spontaneous that I hardly realized I had thought of it, bought tickets and went in a matter of hours.  Watching the performance through the eyes of a child made it even more wonderful.  I was just in awe of the devotion and work it must have taken to put this musical together.  There was so much talent, and I am so glad to see the opportunity for students that love to sing, dance, act, and do what they love to do.   

Another daunting and somewhat of a boring job that I felt needed to be done, was to review my insurance policy.  I am not sure why I feel that way, because it took all of a few minutes on the phone with my broker. I just don't like to talk about anything when I don't totally understand the language. I have found since Mom's fire that I have far more knowledge about insurance than I realized. I believe we all have policies because we need them, but we truly don't understand them.  It is very important that you know what your policy provides for you and what it doesn't.   

I enjoy baking and especially at Christmas time.  This year, I bought fancy boxes for my treats and made deliveries to some of my special neighbors. It was a wonderful sense of giving and I felt like Santa's elf. 
Some of the cookies Mom and I made

I was a kid the last time Mom and I made Christmas cookies together.  I wanted to make "Jam Jams" with her and we had so much fun making old family recipes and sharing them. I was happy that Mom went home and continued to bake Christmas gifts for the people in her life, just like she used to.

I completed a neat little puzzle that was a gift from a friend.  The entire puzzle probably had 100 pieces made of wood and measured about 8 inches.  Each piece was unique and very tiny.  Some pieces made a solid connection but most of them just laid together.  It was just stunning when it was complete. 

I belong to a Facebook group where people are allowed to ask for help from the community.  A woman wanted to help her friend who had left her life with only the clothes on her back and relocated to Brandon.  She had requested clothing in the same size as I am, hence the closet got it.  Although it was a clothing request I included some inspiration wall hangings, puzzle, book, coffee, mug, treats and food items. When I dropped my package off, I had a chance to speak with the woman and she said the response from the people of Brandon had been overwhelming.  It is tough to be in that situation and what a good friend she had to reach out to others.  

I have designated one day a week to have lunch with a friend. I was a bit slow in making this happen and didn't get started until the end of January.  This week was my first two-hour lunch date and I have one planned for next week, so it looks like I am actually making this a reality.   

The computer has really gotten it, I deleted 3,000 pictures.  How on earth can you have that many pictures on your computer and be unaware of it. When I checked my recycle bin and it said 3,000 my mouth nearly hit the computer. There were so many of the same picture, and man is it ever nice to be able to find what I am looking for now. 

My computer, all by itself kept sending me messages saying I had little storage. Let's be honest here, are computer owners supposed to know this. The computer suggested I delete my cookies.  I am hopeful that I am not the only one who didn't realize they have thousands and thousands of cookies.  For every time you check something out, which for me is what I do all the time, it goes into your cookie file.  Computer had many more suggestions of how to free up storage, which I did, as instructed.  I am for sure not capable of doing this on my own, but I must admit my computer is so much faster. 

Next was the contact list, it had gotten long during my time in business.  It is sad to say I couldn't even remember some of the people on my list.  Probably due to the fact I had only attached a first name to the number. This may be the first purge the contact list got, but probably not the last. 

As you are aware, I purged my paper and set up a new desk. Update is that I really enjoy having a spot to sit and work on letters, computer business and all those things that require the right environment. I am one of those people that have a desk, get rid of the desk, need a desk again.  Right now, I am enjoying my desk. 

I devoted an entire blog to describe in detail the painting of my living area. I have to say that I couldn't be happier with the results.  I was very patient with buying what I thought was the perfect piece of décor.  Some of my favorite purchases from Dundee at Alexander, are me on a wall. 

Celtic Cross means:
Mind, body, soul and heart
We all need this reminder from time to time

I finally developed the perfect spots to display gifts and special items in my life.  I have had these items; such as bark baskets and pictures of Inuit children from the time my daughter lived in the north.  Gifted mugs, are important to me, and they are rightfully in their place at the coffee bar. 

My great nephew plays with a AA hockey team in Estevan.  He is in Grade 12, so this is his last year playing hockey in Saskatchewan.  Fortunately, the team played in Carnduff, and my plan was to attend.  The day started out with poor weather, and I wasn't sure I would make it, but so happy to say I did.  The rink was full of local people and the 50/50 grew to nearly $1,100.  It was just so exciting to watch and be part of the win for Estevan.  Several Universities in the states are interested in my nephew and his dream is to become a Mechanical Engineer.  There is no doubt that dream will come true for him. 

I have sold all of the items I did not replace on my walls.  I had a client who said she wanted everything if I ever redecorated. She was true to her word and today I am going to rehome my things to her house and help her hang them.  It makes me excited to see how excited she is.  

To be rehomed

I realize I am probably the last woman in Canada to do this, but I made my very first ever order to Wayfair.  Yep, made an account and then ordered new hardware for my kitchen cupboards.  Slowly, I am renovating my kitchen.  By renovating, I mean adding items to my new Wayfair account.  I am doing what I can do without a carpenter and then I will take the number of my carpenter off of my bulletin board and actually call him. I want a new countertop and backsplash.  In my Wayfair cart is a black sink and faucet.  My kitchen has no windows and is already dark, so now I am making it even darker.  But I am trying to go for eloquent, who but me would want an eloquent kitchen.  

I just brushed my earrings with toothpaste.  I love sparkle and boy did they ever when I got done with them.    

The accomplishment of 22 things, in 9 weeks has gone way more smoothly than I thought.  Part of that is because it was Christmas and the New Year.  I always have renewed energy at the start of a new year.  Another reason is I committed to enhancing my life with new activities, taking care of things in my life and setting up for a new year. 

If you are the type of person to be inspired, I hope this post inspired you to make your own list.  Or just keep track of what you have done that is exciting and different.  We often think our lives are mundane and the good majority of time it is for me, but in reality, we are way more exciting than we realize. 

I love this stool


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