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Showing posts from November, 2022

I'm an Irish twin

On November 27, 1956, Harding and Carole Dixon became parents of  "Irish Twins".   They have unique Irish Twins as the girls were born in the same year.   Here we are on Kay's 1st Birthday Google search: The term “Irish twins” refers to siblings who are born within 12 months of one another to the same mother. This is especially true for children born in the same calendar year, or children who would be in the same grade of school.  Irish twins share a strong bond.  This is my 65th Birthday.  We will be the same age for 54 days Kay and I fit nicely into the definition of "Irish Twins". We are born to the same mother within 12 months.  We are unique in that we were born in the same year and were in the same grade.  On my  "65th" birthday we celebrated together. Kay bought us matching Celtic necklaces as there wasn't any Irish Twin memorabilia to be purchased.    When people would ask if we were twins, we would say "we are the closest you can get


  I am just going to take a step back in time, way way back to my childhood. The only medication I ever remember receiving as a child was an adult aspirin crushed up in brown sugar. Vicks or Watkins medicated ointment was rubbed on my neck and chest, my neck was then wrapped in one of Dad's wool socks. I believe there was baby aspirin, but we didn't have any in our house. The Aspirin bottle didn't have an expiry date and was used until it was gone. I am not sure what they gave us as babies but pretty sure it was aspirin dissolved in liquid.     Recently, there was a panic that swept the country when supplies of Children Tylenol and Advil ran low.  It was a very serious situation that involved the federal government, and the solution was to have supplies shipped in from other countries.   I have to admit I was rather perplexed why parents weren't just giving adult medication during the shortage.  Think it through and cut in half or quarter and give with brown sugar. I

One year in

November 19, 2021 was my official retirement date.  It was the day I kept my promise to myself not to work after I turned 65. It is hard to believe it is a year since that monumental day.  I had mixed emotions at the time since all I had known my adult life was to get up and work. Enjoy the days off I had and get back at it. Now, I was able to have nothing but long coffees in the morning, do things when I wanted to not when they needed to be done. The world was open for me. That sounds just perfect doesn't it. Well, the magic just didn't arrive as I assume it was going to. For my entire life I have struggled with boredom, and I think initially that was my biggest challenge. I remember thinking "seriously this is it". I thought there was a sensation that came with retirement, and I was afraid I was missing how it feels to be retired. In November, I turned 65 and retired, of course Christmas and its activities followed very quickly after that.  As everyone is awar

Blog babble

  On September 12, I published my very first post on my newly developed "Retirement Blog".  Since that day in September, I have published 22 posts, I also have 14 posts started in draft form for a later publishing date.   Blogging is like storytelling; I am finding for me not only is it an opportunity for expression through the written word, but it is also therapeutic.      I have come to realize that some posts are more meaningful to some readers than to others. Most of my inspiration for a topic comes from a conversation or a comment I saw written somewhere.  I immediately think "that would make a good blog topic".  I have to admit that I am surprised about what topics are the most popular. Their popularity is indicated to me by the comments or text messages I receive.  I have to admit it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling when I read your words, and thanks for doing that.    In true Faye fashion, I took on a blog when I didn't really know much about blogging. 

Done, done and done

  It is official, I am a senior.  I am about to devote an entire blog to the weather.  I feel I need an opportunity to say I am done with Colorado Lows, I am done with bad roads, and I am done with having to plan every move around the weather.  Last I checked it was o nly early November, and I am simply annoyed and frustrated already.    It started in late summer when people would say "they say it is going to be a long cold winter".  Who is they and how do they know. I shouldn't be complaining about the weather again, because I have already had a go at it in my Mother Nature post, but the bad weather has forced me into more writing.  My annual preparation for winter, which by the way started a month ago, is to get my winter tires put on, which I did just the other day. Yep, I literally slid my way to the dealership with my summer tires, because we had an overnight wet snow/ice storm. Can I just say I love my winter tires and is certainly money well spent. In the city it m

Remembrance Day

I am republishing the Post I made last year for Remembrance Day. Since Nov 11th is a day of Remembrance, here are my memories.  Dad is part of the recognition of veterans in   Carievale, the town he loved so much My Dad became a Veteran after he served for three years in World War II and then became a proud member of the Royal Canadian Legion.  These are my dad's own words from the family history book.  He wrote only one paragraph of his time involved in the war.   The truck he spoke about in his write up Imagine leaving a simple life on the farm and enlisting in the military to fight a war halfway around the world. Dad didn't speak about the war much until the last few years of his life.  The effects of his time as a soldier stayed with him his entire life. I will always remember his reaction whenever the jets from the Minot Air Force base would break the sound barrier.  His entire body would jump with no control, it looked like he thought he had just been shot at.  You could