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October Objectives

I am never sure if I like making rules for myself, or I feel more focused following the rules that I make for myself. I find if I am ready to follow my rules, it works better to make them. I got a beautiful journal from my cousin, and I have been keeping it for a special occasion. That came on October 1. Summer is over and I just had an Aunt Joan talk with myself and decided, I needed to grab onto some focus. My focus can be wild and uncontrollable from time to time, so making it mind is a task in itself. I felt the need to name the activity, and I came up with "October Objectives". 
My objectives come under the titles of daily, weekly and within the month. I know winter is the next season to arrive. I want to establish a good routine before the snow is everywhere. It is a fact that you have to do something 22 times before it becomes a habit. 

1. Take supplements. I don't take any prescription medications, but I do have a cupboard full of supplements. I know I need to get back into turmeric, chaga and collagen. I have also added Vit B12. I have become one of those people that can determine the weather by their knees, and they are pleading for some help.
2. Go outside for at least 30 minutes every day. For those of you that walk, this is a done deal. During Covid going outside every day was one of my rules and I did it, religiously. Well, the rule is back in place because fresh air is the best cure for anything in life. 
3. Go to the water. This remains very important to me. This whole blog site is based around this concept in my life. Water is my place of serenity and brings me peace of mind. 
4. Have a relaxing bath every day. This may be my go-to the water some days. Bathing is my time of mediation. I have always come up with more solutions and ideas in the bathtub, than anywhere else. Bottom line here is, I just like the way a bath makes me feel.  
5. Clean something. Something small, like one drawer or cupboard each day. When I am feeling ambitious, I plan to take on the bigger spaces, but until then I will set aside 5 minutes to clean and sort. 

1. Have lunch or coffee with a friend. I had this in my life before, and I need to bring it back. Weeks seem to soar by and before I know it a month is gone. I am pushing the reset button on this one. 
2. Send more catch-up texts. 
3. Make a conscience effort to have good food in my fridge. I also need to have that food prepared to eat. I am a nibbler, so when I go to the fridge to check it out, I need to have decent snacks to grab. I have to get back to my container way of living. When I worked, I had meals in containers, ready to go. I ate better then. 

1. Deal with my freezer in my fridge. I don't have another freezer, nor do I want one. All summer I have been dealing with an overstuffed freezer. I have beautiful things in it, like chokecherry and grape juice to make jelly. Rhubarb, apples and zucchini. It also has a bit of this and a bit of that. By the end of October it will be used, organized and back to its usual empty self. 
2. Make my closet a place of love. After writing "Love Yourself", I looked at the clothes in my closet. I decided to make my closet a place of "love". This could be a radical move, but I am only keeping clothes I love and love to wear. I follow the rule, if you haven't worn it in a year, it goes. I am going to base my decision on three things: is it getting worn looking, do you love wearing it and have you ever gotten a compliment on that piece of clothing. So, the rules are in place, and I named the date, Tuesday, October 3rd. I took every piece of clothing that I own out of the closets, cedar chest and dresser. I read when you do a task like this, put the clothes on your bed. That way you have to complete it by the end of the day. Three piles are necessary, keep, give away and throw away. On October 3rd, I touched every piece of clothing I own. I dropped off a bag of jackets and winter boots with the Bear Clan. Some went to the thrift store, and some went in the garbage. I believe 1/3 of your clothes are supposed to be gone. I am not sure that happened with me. 
October is a beautiful month. The leaves are changing and starting to drop. I am noticing in the early morning; I see frost on my neighbor's roof. The geese will be forming a V very soon to head south. People are also forming to go south. I did hear that we are to have a beautiful fall right into November. That would be a blessing. I am not sure how everyone else embraces a new season, you may just get up and say, "it's fall". No Faye Fan Fair, just a simple acceptance of each day, whatever it brings. Do enjoy October, however that may be. I read a quote that said, "Trees leave behind their leaves so they can have a new beginning". If you need to drop your leaves and have a new beginning this may be your month. 


  1. Good information CLD !

  2. Love this Faye! I just need your energy and enthusiasm!


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