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It is a fact that we have 50,000 thoughts go through our heads each and every day. Now if you have a mind like mine, we probably pass 50,000 by noon. I found this an incredible piece of information, one that has very little use. 

I have never thought about this before, but it only makes sense. A male is a Peacock, a female is a Peahen. Even though I have this new knowledge, I am pretty sure I will continue to call both male and female birds, Peacocks. 

The average single senior income is $31,400/year. That works out to about $2616/month. A Supplement is offered for those that have an income less than $29,000. Supplements are also tax free. Those that paid in, will receive Canada Pension Plan and Pensions from other sources. Even with all of these sources of income, many seniors are nowhere near $2616. Some seniors have prepared for retirement by investing, some have not. I never realized what a huge transition it would be to start to use investments. To turn the process of investing to using, seemed foreign. I have spoken to many retired people about their thoughts on using investments. We all seem to be the same, we have it in our heads that there may not be enough money to live the life that we want. Others worry about the cost of care when it is needed. All are probably unnecessary thoughts, but they are part of the 50,000. 

I have never thought of, "it's benign" being the most important words we can hear. I have been told, when a person receives the words, "you have Cancer", they hear very little after that. My thoughts are that it doesn't matter how prepared you think you are to hear bad news, you aren't. Everyone will have their own thoughts on this topic, and I will leave you with them. 

My friend dropped off some roses from her garden. My mom was visiting at the time, and every morning we would take some time to discuss how pretty the roses were as the buds burst open. I was reminded of my friend's love of gardening and growing her own flowers. I thought, the simple act of my friend sharing her roses, and enjoying their beauty with Mom made it so much more meaningful.   

My Mom is a baker. Over the last few years, she has done less of it but let me tell you her muscle memory is still there when it comes to dough. Mom was recruited for the "Bake to School" bake sale. She and May were going to make butter tarts and biscuits. The 80 years of age difference disappeared as they managed the dough. Mom shared her tips and May gobbled them up. At one point May and I said, "it feels different". Yep, same ingredients, same recipe but the dough felt different than when we made pastry and biscuit dough. And it tasted different. Mom's signature biscuits will always be with raisins. The butter tarts and biscuit basket were a hit at the bake sale. My thoughts were precious over this experience. The joy of making, buying and eating homemade baking is a bit indescribable. 

It is impossible to sort through 50,000 thoughts per day. I have been asked, "where did you come up with that idea?". My answer is always, "my head". People are unique in what they have in their head. In retirement I like the easy thoughts, or should I say fun thoughts. My Dad would always say, "it takes all kinds". That is the only reason that the world can function. People's thoughts vary and am I ever glad they do. You do not want my thoughts about money or politics running anything. 

In closing, I hope this post has made you reflect on what your 50,000 thoughts are each day. I was just thinking how special it is to be part of your world today as you read this blog and think of what your thought power is. We are all superheroes in our thoughts, it is just amazing what we know. 


  1. Good morning Faye! Your mom is amazing! I’m sure that little girl enjoyed every moment with her!

  2. I was so happy to be part of the day,May is such a sweetie and a pleasure to work with ,the organizer is also great to work with !


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