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Through the Darkness

I was up very early on a Saturday watching a severe thunderstorm and reflecting. I was trying to decide what to write on a card to a friend. It has always been important to me, that what I write on a card is meaningful. This time I was writing on behalf of my entire gym group, so even more reason to get it right. I had collected money to go to a charity on behalf of a member that was going through cancer treatments. I decided the saying, "Through the Darkness, the Stars will Shine", best described the process of donating on someone's behalf. 

I read an article that was titled, "Princess Kate, condition is worse". It goes without saying that the press can be a bit dramatic at times. The whole article was on speculation that Kate was getting worse because she was cancelling social engagements. Nowhere in the article did it say, "Cancer treatments have a cumulative effect. Therefore, it is an expectation that Kate will need some time to receive and recover from them". Kate announced her diagnosis of cancer in March. Since that time, she has only attended two social engagements and posted one video. The announcer said when Kate attended the trooping of the colors that it was "the light in the darkness". Princess Kate also attended Wimbledon with Charlotte and presented the trophy to the men's finalist. Her third appearance was a video with William congratulating Great Britain at the Olympics.  The Royal family are just enduring what many families endure, only they are doing it in the public eye. Poor Kate and William, this must be one of the scariest times in their lives. Let's just say to them, "take all the time you need". According to the press, Kate will attend events as and when she feels able.   

I doubt that anyone has been spared a time they would describe as, "going through darkness". It is a time to, "dig deep" as I like to refer to it. It is truly amazing the strength that is shown by some people that have suffered immense loss, yet they turn the sadness into a way to help others. In other words, through their darkness, they find the light. 

Darkness is individual, and it is hard to help others during that time. We have a sense of helpless as we try to think of something that may provide moments of comfort for them. Donating on behalf of my friend was definitely meaningful to her and to us. We all jumped on the meal train, which are very popular. People going through treatments are not real fond of food, but they love the idea that the people they care about have food prepared for them. My go to is to send books or journals. Amazon makes it so easy to order and deliver. Mail of any kind seems to be comforting, receiving a card or gift in the mail is simply one of the best things ever. A simple text or setting up a time to chat on the phone or in person, says I care. I believe it boils down to, just do something. In other words, be the light for others when they are in a dark world. 


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