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Just like I thought it would be

I had volunteered at the gym to empty the garbage and fill up any necessary paper containers during a competition they were hosting. I had just thrown 7 bags of garbage into the outside container and a sense of accomplishment came over me. I said to myself, "this is exactly how I dreamed my retirement would be". Not becoming a cleaning lady for a gym but doing what I could to help others. The gym was hosting a competition and they had asked for volunteers. I knew judging and competing was something I couldn't do. But I could clean up, empty garbage and stock supplies. I know there are many jobs that are above me, but there aren't any jobs beneath me. As I went about my business, I was aware of how neat the athletes kept the gym. I picked up nothing other than the garbage containers. A surprising thing was happening, many of the participants thanked me for what I was doing. That was a lovely bonus. I didn't even know most of those people. I came away with a mental note to myself, say thanks when you see someone volunteering and doing their thing. It makes them feel good.

There is a woman that goes around Brandon and picks up garbage in the ditches. I am thinking this is what she has decided to do in her retirement. I have seen her with her claw just making the world a better place. What a job, to pick up after people that can't be bothered to keep things nice.     

My little decision to join the Dragon Boat Team, has turned into an adventure for sure. At the time I retired, I could see myself doing some travel. I just couldn't see how it was going to happen. The vision is very clear to me now, the Team travels. In September, I will be going to Penticton to paddle with some of the other members of the Waves of Hope. Teams join together for paddling events and festivals, as they call them. This is something I did not know; we will be traveling as a sports team. That allows you to carry your equipment which is a paddle and a lifejacket. It also allows for a carry-on and one checked luggage for free. Who knew!!!! There are people that organize trips to the last detail, and there are others that hope they don't have to do anything other than sign a cheque. I fall into the last category; my traveling buddies are very well established, and it is working out just great for me. One of the evenings at the festival, there is a pajama party, and everyone is to bring a stuffy. One of the girls has offered to check out buying matching pajamas, great idea. I think if I wait long enough someone will take on the stuffies. 

I recently attended a fund-raising event for the Waves of Hope. It was a Car Rally, something I have never done before in my life. How I understood it would work, we would be expected to find things in Minnedosa. One of my dear friends lives in Minnedosa, and I knew I would need her help. I struggle to find her home, so we both knew that I needed a wing-woman. We were given a list of 56 things to find. It was a wonderful drive through the country, and you had to spot things along the way. We had a wonderful time, so great that we went up and down some roads twice, and even did extra roads, which some may say was the wrong road. It was a fabulous way to spend a Sunday afternoon. A bowl of chili and a bun completed a perfect Sunday. I could only appreciate the tremendous amount of thought and work put into the planning of the rally by one of the Wave girls. 

I have organized my share of social events and have attended even more. So, you can imagine how pumped I was to do something different. The organizer dialed down the adrenaline rush by not having it timed. No high-speed chase or passing each other on the gravel road was necessary. 

As a retired person, I find I give myself permission, more often than I used to. Once I get up, I start to build my nest. It usually consists of a notebook to write 3 things I am going to accomplish in the day, phone, computer, sometimes a journal and sometimes my big calendar. I decide how long I will allow myself to sit there and drink coffee, write, and reflect. There is no racing around to get dressed, clean up or anything, just a time of serenity.  

A small but exciting thing for me is, every night I think to myself, what time do I have to get up tomorrow? When I realize, I don't have to get up early or set an alarm, I am so happy. Gone are the days of hitting the ground running. I get up anywhere between 4-9, depending on my sleep and because it doesn't matter. 

I find myself saying "yes" to so many things. I am not afraid to say "no" and I often say to people, "I will tell you if I can't" or "I'll let you know tomorrow". If something is done for me, I pay it forward, if I do something for someone else, I ask them to pay it forward. It is not a time in my life where money needs to be exchanged. 

People go into retirement for a variety of reasons. Mine was because I was ready. I had told myself I wouldn't work a day after I was 65 and I kept that promise. I knew I would know very little about being retired, but I would learn. That was November 2021, and I feel like I have it figured out. Some people will never retire, others do it early, some on their 65th birth year. I have come to realize how important it is to enjoy retirement; it is the time to have fun.  


  1. Good for you Faye! Enjoy what you are doing!

  2. Good for you to join the Waves of Hope. You like water and meeting new people. Enjoy your travels.


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