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Good Morning

A friend of mine once said to me, "when I wake up early, I just get up. We never know how many days we have left on this earth, so why not get up and enjoy them." So, on Friday morning at 4:44 AM, I embraced her words and did just that. It was still dark, but it was starting to break daylight. I opened the door and all I could hear was the birds chirping and I felt the coolness of the night. I decided it was going to be a good day. 

The day began by starting my coffee which is always made the night before and settled into my usual routine on the computer. I had put on Thursday's "to do" list to write more draft blogs. Well, there was a fountain of information on many sites and my fingers were on fire. There was a quote on Facebook that said, "Fact: Every night I look forward to my morning coffee" That is so true for me. Not only is it morning coffee but it is strong and black. I can't imagine what it must be like to not drink coffee. 

I am one of those people that wakes up in a good mood, also known as a morning person. Rarely, am I out of sorts in the morning. There are also those people that are classed as, "not a morning person". They are also known as people, "that need their sleep". I guess the two things go hand in hand. If you start your day in a good mood, you have to stay there. If you start in a bad mood, you have nowhere to go but up. 

If I am going to accomplish anything it will be in the morning. I am not as productive in the afternoon, and rarely do I do anything in the evening. I am not a night owl, that is for sure. 

On Friday, I decided I was going to finish the Thursday list. It takes me longer to do things for some reason, hence the carry over. I do remind myself I am retired, and I can put things off. Especially, things I don't want to do. Such as: wash windows and weed the front of my place. Those tasks alone could put me in a bad mood, if I let them. I have decided I look forward to the feeling of accomplishment, as opposed to the dread of having ugly jobs to do. The reality is, I only have 4 windows and a small area to weed, which wouldn't take much time. It was a "stop talking about it and do it moment". Mother nature has done a great job of keeping my outside windows clean and another great job of nourishing the weeds to help them grow. Bless her little heart for that. 

I am a minimalist when it comes to having food in my house. So much so, I realized I needed to stop at the grocery store at some point. Another job I put off, because I don't like buying groceries. I only have one thought in my head as I put things in my cart, "how on earth do people feed their families with the cost of everything". 

So, on Friday, the to do list consisted of washing windows, weeding and getting groceries. It was also gym day which I have come to realize is like a playdate for me. It is garbage day, and the grass was to be sprayed for weeds. Phew, could it get any busier.

As I was sitting and writing on my couch, this poor little birdie tried to euthanize himself on my window. I heard this almighty bang and there he was on my table, in a collapsed state. I didn't want to deal with a dead bird. I was so relieved that he regained consciousness and sat up. He was on the table for a very long time before I am sure his head stopped buzzing. He watched the garbage truck do its thing and then eventually flew off.

This post will go out on Sunday morning. The morning people will read it, early, like in the morning. The night people will read it later. There will be some that will binge read more than one post whenever they get around to it. In any event, I hope every morning you have a great start to your day. It may be drinking strong coffee, reading the latest blog post, looking at the sunshine or rain. It is the start of a new week, so make it great.      


  1. I’m sitting in my backyard, drinking my morning tea. There’s a slight coolness to the air, but oh it’s good to be a morning person. ♥️

  2. Same to you Faye!

  3. I like my cereal and coffee in the morning .mum

  4. Aah, yes, the morning coffee - something to look forward to!


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