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Halfway Mark

Today is June 30, 2024. Somehow, we have managed to get through half of this year at the speed of sound. As I write this, I am looking at blue sky and sunshine. That is a lovely way to start a day, a week and the last day of a month. 

I am taking some time to reflect on the last six months. Completing the renovations throughout my condo, was a major undertaking for me. I find as we age making decisions becomes harder. I have always had a voice in my head that says, "make a decision and don't think about another choice after you do". I have to say, I am not sorry about one thing that I changed. There are still some cosmetic things to be done, but for right now, I am done. 

Going twice a week to the gym, has been so rewarding, I just get up and go. I don't look for an excuse, I just go. For me, to write that, is profound. To make this kind of commitment is odd for me. I have in the past, started and stopped an exercise program more often than I want to admit. I think it is like a playdate for children. I look forward to meeting up with my new gym friends. Watching the group before our class is truly hard to believe the strength so many have. The way the class is run feeds so nicely into my attention span. We are constantly going from one exercise to another. There is no time to get bored or think I can't do this anymore. I have not only become stronger and more fit, but I have also become dedicated. 

I love where I volunteer. I feel really at home there and I love the freedom of being able to do what I want. I have become comfortable with the peeps that come out to my activities and I feel really good after my time there.   

Being part of the organizing committee for the GAHC Alumni Group has been so rewarding. It gives me a chance to reconnect with former colleagues, help organize events, and basically be bossy. Some call it being a leader, pretty sure others don't. 

The newest thing is my life is the "Waves of Hope", Dragon Boat Team. Their team was established in 1999 and was the "12th" Dragon Boat in Canada. Canada now has 120 boats. The team is planning a celebration to commemorate the 25 years they have been paddling. One of the original members, who is 84 years old, told me that when they started, they went to Winnipeg to learn how to paddle. Many of those original members are still a strength for the team as active paddlers.  

I have come to realize that nothing, I mean nothing, slows these women down. In the first few weeks that I have been involved, they had capsized the boat, had dry land in 80 km winds and we have driven through hail and weather warnings to get to practice. I realized if I was going to be a member, I needed to toughen up. It is like hockey used to be in my world, you always go. I can't believe my good fortune to pick a sport that has potluck treats at the end of every practice. Exercise and food are the perfect combination in any world. 

The little baking business has been extremely successful this last year. Recently we had a "Bakesale" by May and Faye. Everything was $1.00. People brought their own container, and I remain in awe of how people are so kind and generous towards our little business venture. We will be taking the summer off and in the fall, we will have new themes.  


Summer is here and the weather can make or break our days. So far it has been a very wet spring. We have had about 13 inches of rain in just over a month. Two rainfalls have had a total of 4 inches in one go. I heard it was to be a hot, dry summer, not yet that is for sure. 

I have enjoyed the mix of one trip, I have had creative moments and great opportunities to donate to a cause. Pretty much the same as everyone does.  

Some things will never change for me. That is writing and updating on my blog site. Thank you everyone for being such an inspiration and supporters of my little retirement goal. Another thing that I do, is every day I try to take time to visit water. These two things ground me. I am sure many of you have some things that do the same for you. Keep doing them.   

Sadly, the years seem to fly by, and it is hard for us to realize how quickly life is unfolding. In a blaze of glory, we are halfway through 2024. At the start of next year, we will be done a quarter of this century all too soon. I am reminded as I write this, that we all need to make the last half of 2024 memorable. Start tomorrow by wearing red and celebrating Canada's birthday. 


  1. Loved your adventures Faye! You are very inspiring!

  2. I absolutely loved seeing in person your dedication to your new activities. You go girl! 😊


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