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Do as much as you can in your lifetime

It saddens me to hear people say, "we used to do that before Covid, but we don't anymore". I recently heard a former colleague say, "We haven't traveled by plane since Covid". This was a family that went on an elaborate family trip every year. One thing that seems to be what I consistently hear people comment on is, they don't have people over like they used to. I hate to even put the word Covid in my posts, but it seems to have a place in this one to help explain my point. Life changed because of Covid, and we need to change it back. 

I heard the statement, "do as much as you can in a lifetime". My family's ages stretch from 8-90. Things at 8 are certainly different than at 90. I just look at the opportunity's children have today. They are extremely comfortable on a plane. They attend concerts, and sporting events right along with adults. The choices children have for activities are unreal. So different than baseball or hockey in my kid's day. On the far end of my family ages is being 90. A regular routine of cards, and coffee. There seem to be many birthday celebrations to attend when you are 90. They understand the concept just like children, birthdays are to be celebrated. In between those ages there is an assortment of people working, traveling, trying to make time for themselves and a variety of other things. Dealing with life as it presents.  


I know several people with a huge resume of activities they have accomplished. When I hear of new and exciting things that people are doing, I am in awe. I have always been what I call someone with my ear to the ground. I have to say that some of the things people find to do are genius. I quickly decide if that is anything I would ever do, or never do.

I can ponder things, to the point where I never get them done. They are usually things that take considerable work or organizing for myself. I can slap together a social event in a few hours, but that is for other people, so it happens quickly. I am not as efficient when it comes to myself. I watch people plan trips and every detail is taken care of. I can do that; I choose not to. I like knowing I have a hotel room, and flights, but that is pretty much it. I hit the high spots of what the place has to offer and the rest falls into place once I get there. My sister and I went on a couple of wonderful trips and divided the trip and organized everything for our share. Our east coast trip consisted of each taking two provinces. I had Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, she had PEI and New Brunswick. We were responsible for the hotel, sightseeing activities, and where we would eat. It was a planes, trains, automobiles, buses and boats kind of trip to remember.  


I am not sure if you are like me and are starting to realize it is "crunch time". It is the time we do the things we were always going to do and haven't. It is not about the years we have left in our life but the life we have left in our years. To be blessed with the ability to do those things we want to do. At this point in my life, am I doing as much as I can? Probably not. Am I doing some really rewarding things, for sure I am. I like to think of it as filling up my cup. Are you one of those people that is filling your cup up or could it be topped up?   


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