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Personality Types

I was recently part of a conversation about personality types. It was clear to me that I only knew traits about Type A personality and that information was very limited. As I searched to find out more, I became quite intrigued. I was able to place people I knew in every type, and I learned more about my own personality. I felt that making a post about the 4 personality types may be just as fascinating and informative for others as it was for me.  

I think the personality type that gets the most attention is Type A. The Type A people already know their Type and they are fine with it. Even though it is probably the most criticized personality type, they continue to be a proud Type A. A Type A personality is described as a high achiever, competitive and often impatient. They seem to have a sense of urgency about them and are prone to stress. They can manipulate their environment to direct the outcome. Type As want control and will take over a situation. 

Type B personality is described as having a more relaxed, easy-going and flexible personality. They are sociable, creative, thoughtful and optimistic. This may lead to a lack of drive and ambition. They are known to be sensitive to criticism. 

Type C is new to personality types. They are described as quiet, focused, introverted and thoughtful. They tend to be reserved and prefer solitude. They have strong concentration and are meticulous, paying attention to detail and strive for perfection. Type C is described with words that start with "C": consistent, controlled, calm, cooperative, creative and conflict resistant. They are attuned to the needs of others. They can lean towards a negative outlook which can lead to a sense of hopelessness. 

Type D is also new to personality types. Type D also known as a distressed personality is characterized by negative affectivity and social inhibition. They seem to always worry, are sad and irritable. They have a pessimistic outlook and appear gloomy. They lack self-confidence and will avoid social situations. Making personal connections is a struggle for them and as a result they feel lonely and anxious.

I found the following information was the most fascinating part for me. In the 1950s personality types emerged. The concept of personality types was used to identify patients at greater risk for health conditions. 

Type A: People with this personality type suffer from cardiac issues due to chronic stress and high levels of cortisol. Because of their competitive nature and constant drive, they often suffer from high blood pressure. The stress they put themselves under may contribute to a higher stroke risk. Their high stress level can impact their digestion, exacerbating conditions like irritable bowel. 

Type B: This personality type is described as more laid-back, relaxed and less competitive and it plays out in a positive way in their health. Overall, they have better health with an improved immune system. Type Bs cope better with life and have lower risk of cardiovascular issues because of it. They will find creative ways to deal with health issues and are known to explore holistic. 

Type C: This personality type is known for their conscientiousness. They will have a longer life because they focus on exercise, eating well and avoiding risky behaviors. 

Type D: This type of personality is prone to anxiety and worry. Because of that they suffer more from mental health disorders such as depression. 

When I was writing this post, I felt very confident that I am a Type B personality. No one falls perfectly into a personality type, and I know I have some Type A and C traits thrown in there. I feel my personality has changed over time. I assume you as well, are trying to figure out your personality type. Unless you are Type A, you already know your type. We need to have the Type A personalities to make sure things get done. Type B will let them do it, Type C will do their own thing and Type D will just worry about it. Like my dad would say, "it takes all kinds". 



  1. As a Dr asked me once how I felt in the morning, I told her that it depended who woke up! So I am multiple! lol. Jo

  2. Thank you Faye! I enjoyed this blog!


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