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Rules of Life

I have come to realize; we all have our own "Rules of Life". I had never really put much thought into what my own personal set of rules are, so when I found this quote, it spoke to me in a simple way. I think it describes my "Rules of Life" quite nicely.     

1. Before you Pray - Believe. 

I admire people who know their religious path, this rule makes sense to them. As a spiritual person I have a bit of a struggle to understand it's meaning. Prayer doesn't come easy for me, although I do believe in praying.  I believe that all things happen for a reason and that they will turn out the way they are meant to. I also know when I think about others, I am praying for them. There is power in prayer, and I have witnessed so many examples of it. When something bad happens to me, or to people close to me, I look for the lessons that are to be learned. I have another rule about prayer and that is, I can't take advantage of it. I still have to work for solutions on my own and use the power of prayer to help me with clarity and direction along the way.     

2. Before you speak - Listen. 

I decided some time ago that I needed a broader knowledge base about life, and what is going on in the world. I wanted to be able to contribute to a conversation in a knowledgeable way. I decided by listening to others, the news or other sources was a good way to gather information. I have to say, I didn't realize it was a rule, but it has worked to build my confidence in conversations. 

We all know those people that love to hear themselves talk. As a rule, they are talkers, not good listeners. They are planning what they are going to say next, not truly listening to what is being said. There are also people that are good talkers and good listeners. Then there are the good listeners. They look you square in the eye, never interrupt and remain silent as you speak. They don't veer off into another story, it is all about you and what you are saying, at that moment. After truly listening to someone, what you say and do next is paramount. It is very important that the person feels heard, their feelings are acknowledged, and they know it is okay to have just shared what they did.  

3. Before you spend - Earn. 

At one time everyone paid cash for everything, and only when they had enough cash did they buy something. That was their life rule, or the way of life. Now, a line or credit, and one or two credit cards will provide luxuries to no end. My life rule is to earn before I spend. In fact, when I was working, it went like this, I would just pick up some extra shifts. My rules are to pay off my credit card every month, and my line of credit is just there for emergencies. I can't speak to those that use the rule, "buy what they want and pay later", it is foreign to me 

4. Before you write - Think.

This is a life rule that I try to uphold every day of my life. My rule is that every card I give must have the perfect handwritten message included. Text messages on a whole have the same rule. If they don't it is because I was rushing and didn't proofread or it's just a conversation. There are times where I really have to think about what I want to write. It is at those times that I use another rule, "I sleep on it". Things are always clearer in the morning and the words seem to come easier then. 

My life has taken on a whole new meaning since I started writing this blog. I practice, "think before you write" every time I put my fingers to the keyboard. I put way more thought into how I think, and I want to make sure my readers have a clear understanding of what I am writing about. I read my words and think, is this offensive to someone? How will your readers perceive what you have just written? The best guide I have when writing is, "does that need to be said?".

5. Before you quit - Try.

I appreciate those people that if you start something you finish it. I realize I have mentioned the gym many times, and I am going to use it as my example. I have shared that I am last doing anything during the workout. Well, that has not changed, and I remain dead last. At one time in my life, I would have thought I was a failure and maybe not gone back. Now, it doesn't bother me, it is about finishing. If I have to give up on something or quit, it is because I tried my hardest and I couldn't make it work.  

6. Before you die - Live.

I love this. I feel you only truly understand this concept when you enter retirement, or you have health issues. For the majority of our lives the rule was, go to work, and care for your family. After retirement, it took me some time to get a purpose and be productive, but I'm there now. I absolutely love people who get up every day to "live life". They often are either traveling or checking out places they want to travel to. They are out the door to exercise or try new things. Their calendar is full, and they keep adding. For me, living life is, every day I either make, bake or donate something. I have taken the pressure off myself by trying to determine what I thought of living life to the fullest meant and decided to enjoy doing what I do each day as "living my life". 

Self-talk is an interesting concept that I feel goes with Life Rules. I have written before about, "having a talk with myself". One of my dear Aunts used to speak of how she just had a little talk with herself, when she needed an attitude adjustment. I have had many chats with myself, usually to pull myself out of self-pity mood and get on with life. It is my way of changing my thoughts and changing the result. The mind is the most powerful thing that we have, so let's use it. 

Wynona Judd was a mentor on "The Voice". She shared with one of the contestants, and the viewers, what she lives by: be on time, be kind, listen more and talk less. 

Tim Gunn is a fashion designer, author and was the TV host of "Project Runway". He has named his rules as, Gunn's Golden Rules. They are: Be nice, take responsibility for your actions and the world owes you nothing.

Jordin Tootoo outlined 3 ways to fail at everything in life. Blame your problems on others, complain about everything and be ungrateful. 

Jon Pardy, a singer and songwriter described his success in Nashville by not having a Plan B. When he went to Nashville, he said to himself, "I am going to make this work". He never entertained going home or taking on another job. He just did what he needed to survive and believed his dream would come true. His words were to just believe you will be successful. And guess what, he is extremely successful. He had one life rule never quit.

It may be more difficult to identify our life rules than we would think. I believe we all want to live an honest and true life and we develop rules to make that happen. For me, I get up every day with a purpose. I have a small plan, and I usually implement it. There are days my plan is do nothing at all for the entire day. I always start my day writing and drinking coffee. It seems to ground me. One life rule I do have is to have a good breakfast. I love breakfast food, so it is easy to achieve. The rest of the day, whatever is good for meals. I always have and probably will always do this organizing trick. At the beginning of each day, I put whatever I need for the day either in the vehicle, on the table, or by the door. I am never good at searching for things in a rush. When I start to ignore things that need attention, I put them on the table. I hate things on my table so they will get taken care of. Once again, a new famous bottom line is; it's your life to live, so make your own life rules. 

In closing, check out the attached list. How many are your life rules, I got 12/14. 


  1. I enjoyed reading this Faye. I find it fascinating to hear how others live and make things work. I really like your things on the table or in the car trick in the morning. I will ponder that!

  2. Great message Faye! Always enjoy what ever you choose to write about! Keep up the good work!


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