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How can I help?

For those of you that watched "New Amsterdam" you will recognize the phrase "how can I help?  Whenever there was a crisis within his hospital, Max, the Medical Director of New Amsterdam, would ask his staff, "how can I help?".  I loved New Amsterdam, and I am really sad that the show is over, forever! Every show highlighted a real health crisis existing in the US and played it out.  Not only did I enjoy the real-life drama, but I felt I learned something.  My new educational show is "Alaska Daily".  This show is about a newspaper in Anchorage, during the show they expose political and legal issues present in Alaska.  

It was on the news that by 2025, there will be 500,000 immigrants brought to Canada with the sole purpose of filling the job market.  Is there any way we could empower the people that live in our country to fill some of those positions? Is there some way we could help the homeless, the people that live off of social services or other government supported funding to get into the work force?  I have heard many people say "they" don't want to work, because they don't have to. I know very little about how it happens to make the transition from the street and social services to having a job. As I write this, I recognize I have my rose-colored glasses on, drinking my cup that is half full, and believing "nothing is impossible". 

In the perfect world wouldn't it be wonderful if every adult took just one other adult and helped them by giving them an opportunity to have a better life. Wouldn't that make a tremendous difference in our country. It is a well-known fact that immigrants will work at any job, even though they may be trained as a professional.  Not only do they work to support themselves and their dependents, but they also send money to their family in their homeland. They sponsor other immigrants; they have a massive community and they are truly helping each other to get ahead in their lives. Most immigrants say they came to Canada for a better life for their family.  I feel a better life has been given to them, but they aren't afraid to work for it. 

It makes me wonder if obtaining a secondary education is too difficult or expensive in Canada?  Many countries offer free secondary education to anyone in their country that may want it. By joining the Canadian military, an affordable education can be achieved. Not many are willing to go that route, but it is available in our country. By no means do I feel that people need an education to be successful.  I just hope that everyone is given an opportunity and a way to further their education, if that is what they want.  

I feel I am at the age where "Awareness" is how I can help. I am going to use an example of helping that I know very little about.  I do want to learn more, so this is the perfect time to start.  It is about the controversial topic of safe injection sites.  I recently heard on the news that in Manitoba some new law is going to impact the function of the already meager number of safe injection sites within our province.  The drug problem is out of control, people are trying to help, and now legislation is stepping in the way.  Why, why, why do we have to do the one step forward and ten back. 

It is common knowledge that many addicts want to get off their drugs, but they are struggling because the resources just aren't available.  One day these people made a bad decision, and because of that decision they are now hooked on some of the most powerful addictive chemicals known to mankind.  Safe Consumption Sites were started in an effort to help the addicted. I have had many opinions on this topic, and most of them I am not proud of. I will own that and change my focus from opinionated to understanding.  These sites offer many services, and my favorite is; they help the user to lessen their dose with the hopes of eventually getting clean. You always have to have hope and when there is nothing else to help, it is a start. I am not sure if the word, "useless" or "helpless" describes me when it comes to helping in the drug world.  To be honest, I am not very brave when it comes to being in a situation that I don't understand. I am in absolute awe of those people that are not only willing to help, but confident doing it.  

Even though I refer to the news frequently, I only watch it once a day in the morning. I feel that is enough information for me too take in for one day.  I can get too consumed with world issues if I watch to much news.  

The best feeling is knowing that you have made a difference in someone's life. Since I retired, I realize, I won't have the impact I used to have when I worked. I was in the perfect environment to make a difference. Even though I am not in that position anymore, it doesn't give me permission to not make a difference when I can.  I remind myself, that every little bit counts.  I want to Thank the people that know how to make a difference in someone else's life and are doing it. Let's remember: we are all capable of saying to one other person, "how can I help?". 


  1. “How can I help” is so much more concrete and direct than saying “let me know if there is anything I can do” and thus you are much more likely to get a response that has an action action that you CAN DO for them. Love it.Teresa


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