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Reposting this blog, since I heard it didn't make some notifications.  

I had an epiphany when I was putting this post together. I was reflecting on how at 66, I am so lucky I have good health. It made me wonder why people have such varying degrees of good, poor or pathetic health.  Why do some people have diabetes, cardiac issues, depression or their joints fall apart, while others don't? Genetics plays a big part, lifestyle as well, but it is very random to say the least as to who gets what.  We all have cancer cells, but only part of the population actually gets cancer. My epiphany is this: I believe that a person's body has pre-programmed health. The biggest setting in the programing is how powerful/weak your immune system is.  We can alter the button setting on our programing with a variety of things, such as fitness, food and medications. But at the end of the day your health still fits into good, bad or pathetic. 

There are those people with their buttons stuck in chronic conditions.  They fall into having good health because of how medication controls their conditions. Without meds their life would be dismal. We have all heard the comment, "my blood pressure is good".  I always ask, "are you on medication?". They admit they are, but they feel they are in great shape on medication. Then, there are the people with poor health even though they make a big effort to lead a healthy lifestyle.  Their focus to be healthy includes eating right, devoted to an exercise regime, supplements and other great practices.  For many this works, but for others they still suffer with something, often it is gut or sinus issues or allergies. Then there is the rest of us that have good to amazing health for the effort we put into it. 

As I have mentioned my wisdom is: it is all about the strength of your immune system.  I have always had what I felt was a strong immune system.  I contribute that to the constant exposure to illness during my career.  I feel I am programmed with strong immunity. I do try to help it with things like the flu shot, pneumovax and I have been devoted to the covid shots. I felt I had a strong immune system up until I had covid.  I realized my immunity was compromised when I was getting sick every 5 weeks after having covid.  I am not sure what turned it around for me, but I think it was silver water to be honest.  I am sure you are thinking, "oh here she goes again with the silver water story". But it saved my life when I had the Manitoba virus, and I always believe in giving credit where credit is due. The fact is that I haven't been ill since that near death experience, and my covid cough went away. Silver water is not to be taken on a regular basis, so I only take it on occasion when I feel I need a top up. Sadly, as much as I love it, the FDA doesn't.  Of course, they don't, look at the revenue that would be lost.    

I am one of those people that is overall healthy with very little effort. Anyone that knows me knows I am not big on prescriptions.  For me, I will try a variety of things before I take a mediation.  But if that doesn't work I will go on medication. My old English doctor always said "If you take more than 4 medications, they don't work as effectively as they should. They start to work against each other". My contribution to my health programming is a simple daily regime of taking turmeric and chaga.  They are both anti-inflammatories and immune boosters.  They can help to lower blood pressure and blood sugar. Turmeric has been used for centuries in India and has so many health benefits.  I believe it is predominately used for joint pain, and to be honest, I don't have joint pain. Chaga is also an ancient medication that was used to heal when there was nothing else to use.  It is making a rebound and many people are finding they are getting relief from pain when they take it. I round out my health regime by having reflexology twice a month.  Reflexology is also an old Chinese practice.  It is believed that touch therapies help to calm the central nervous system, promoting relaxation and other health benefits.  My reflexologist tells me that in the States if you have a stroke, reflexology is part of your recovery plan. Any of the alternative therapies are designed to work with the body to give it energy to heal.  So that's my health regime. I believe the healthiest thing in my body is my soul.    

There are a couple of practical things that you can manage on your own and may help to push the reset buttons on your health.  I encourage you to know your Vitamin B12 and Ferritin level. A deficiency can be easily detected with a simple blood test. Most people need to be at least in the middle of normal results or on the high end. It is more common now for doctors to add Vitamin B12 and Ferritin levels to lab testing, so make sure you know your results. You can easily treat yourself by buying over-the-counter supplements and you will feel amazing in a
short amount of time. 

Vitamin B12 deficiency seems to be at epidemic proportions, even in children, some as young as 6. Let's face it, eating red meat has been deemed as an unhealthy choice of meat and most people eat more white meat than red. Red meat, especially liver, is a good source of Vit B12 as well as bananas, eggs and fortified cereal. In the good ole days when it was meat, potatoes and vegetables, I don't think there was a deficiency in anything. Strive for a level that is midway or on the upper level, or where you feel well. If you are symptomatic of a low B12, you can fix this yourself with an over-the-counter supplement and changes in diet. Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin and you can't take too much, your body just excretes it if you do. There are people that have pernicious anemia. It is a disease in which people are missing the intrinsic factor to create absorption of Vitamin B12 from the intestines and they will be treated with Vit B12 injections.

Something else that seems to be common is low iron stores or a low ferritin level.  We are all familiar with a low hemoglobin and how to take care of that.  There are times when your hemoglobin is normal, but you can have a low Ferritin level. Go by your symptoms, if you feel tired, weak or not yourself have your ferritin level checked.  It is an easy fix, by taking iron supplements. On the flip side, there is a condition that causes your body to absorb too much iron from food and it is Hemochromatosis.  These people are usually treated by donating blood on a regular level.  Iron supplements are not excreted like Vitamin B12.  

However, you choose to program and manage your health, it is up to you. Whatever you believe is the best for you is what you should do. A health regime is not a "one size fits all", it is individual. Pushing a reset button on anything is always good, maybe we all need to reset in spring.    


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