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I have always felt that once March is over, the year just seems to just zip by.  In a couple of days, we will have completed the first quarter of the year 2023. 

The Woman's World Curling is now over. I have become quite the curler from my chair in the living room, I find it easy to make shots from there. I am not sure how Canada ended up with a bronze with the struggles they had, but they did. We have to be proud of any medal that our Canadian athletes get.  I believe we are so used to such high standards of play, to watch the Canadian women miss their shots or not be able to read the ice was very unfamiliar for us. When I watched the final gold medal game, I found the difference in style of play quite interesting.  Maybe there is something to be said for both skips throwing third rocks. There certainly weren't as many rocks in play, and that could have been because it was such an important game.  I found the players decisive and accurate with their shots. The Swiss team secured their 36th consecutive win, in Woman's Curling at the Worlds. It is a remarkable feat that the last time the Swiss rink lost was at the 2021 Worlds.

Curling certainly fills the day for the retired folk like me. Somehow, any conversations I had about curling seemed to be more about the curler's personal life than the curling. Children, pregnancies and other trivia filled my chats. This year was certainly a year of pregnancy and tiny babies.  Brianne Harris, the lead for Canada is due in June and she never missed a beat.  I was relieved for her that it was over, she must have been exhausted.  A couple of years ago Rachel Homan left the ice and had her daughter in just a short time later. Little babies and children, watching their mammas curl has certainly changed the face of the game. 

The men's curling is coming up at the end of the week.  Brad Gushue has certainly been a great representative for Canada for several years. My Mom is a die-hard Brad fan, I like Mark Nicholas. I just appreciate everything about Mark, and he melted my heart when they showed him with his sons at the Brier. I just love the fact that he is married to a little Saskatchewan girl. I must admit I would have been happy with Dunstone as the Canadian representative, and I know he will get his chance.  

Dream come true for Mom

Now that curling has been discussed, I will move on to reflecting on my project posts.  Overall, I feel very accomplished with the first quarter. During March Madness the bedroom purge and cleaning happened. I touched every inch of the walls and everything in that room.  I also paid for my license and purchased new plates, which are only $15.00. I have noticed on the back plate the coating is lifting, making the numbers hard to read. When I told Carlos I needed new plates because they were getting hard to read, he offered to check them for me.  He was shocked and went on to say, "Look at these letters they are hard to read, the police could stop you".  Yes, Carlos, like I said, "I need new plates". Not sure if he thought I didn't know what I was talking about or just being efficient, in any event I now have a new license plate number to remember. Mercy life gets complicated doesn't it. As planned, I printed out the form to do my income tax.  I made a huge mess of papers, getting what I thought I needed.  I put a few numbers on the form and in true Faye fashion, I called it an effort.  Pretty much a waste of ink, paper and my time. I then used the turbo tax calculator and I now have an idea what I owe.  I have since delivered my papers to my income tax lady, which is probably what I should have done in the first place. Although, I am not giving up on doing my own income tax, maybe give it a shot next year. 

I have finished off March by having fasting bloodwork done.  Why, why, why is that such a big deal for me.  It starts the night before when I put the sticky note on the coffee machine, "you are fasting".  I woke several times in the night to remind myself I was fasting, and not to eat or drink when I got up. Getting up and jumping in the shower is not how I roll, so that starts the irritated attitude. The parking sucks at the hospital, the line up is usually long, and the list goes on.  Once I am in the lab and sitting in the chair, I could care less how many times they poked at me. Because I went on a Tuesday, I was fourth in line, and home by 8:30. I do remind myself, that some people including children do go for lab work frequently, and not be so self-absorbed. I am not usually so dramatic about things in general, but for some reason, fasting blood work brings out the worst in me.  

In reflection on February, I feel pretty good about the follow up and completion of the projects. My little food plan hasn't happened yet, but I am not giving up on it. I am enjoying shooting out random texts to people that I think about. Although, in a retired world, one day runs into the other, I do try to identify Friday, in some manner. Many good things are still happening since February.   

January projects still make me happy.  The only follow-up is that there is now new hardware on the kitchen cupboards.  One small step in anticipation for the rest of the finishes that are planned to happen.    

Today was Maylee Baking Day.  It is always a very productive day and today we made: Green Pistachio and Monster cookies, Oreo Cheesecakes, Puffed Wheat Cake, Pumpkin Chocolate Chip and Bran muffins, Brownie Pizza, and Cinnamon French Toast Cups. Maylee is nine and has been baking with me since she was 5.  Her baking growth has gotten her to the point of reading the recipes, connecting with the appropriate measuring tools and independently making it happen.  I am now filling the muffin tins with liners which is what she used to do.  She loves my stand mixer and runs it like a pro. Once the extravaganza is over, Maylee stages the baking and when her mom's arrives it is photo time.  We are starting to get a long list of items that we enjoy making together and I am sharing a couple of those recipes with you.                                

My Granddaughter and I, developed some baking rules we follow:

1. Bake with love.

2. Make a creamy, almost fluffy mixture of the butter, eggs, sugar, baking soda and spices before adding the rest of the ingredients. 

3. Never over bake.  Take the cookies out when they aren't totally cooked and let them finish baking on the pan.  You will never have hard cookies if you do that.

My cousin, the person that makes the world's best cookies ever, has a couple of her own tips. Chill your dough and turn the cookies halfway through baking.  She taught me that cookies are the best gift and hers certainly are.  

The things that make me feel the most accomplished from the first quarter of 2023 are: 

1. The changes I have made in my home.  I feel very organized, and attention has been paid to the details. I worked with intent, not the "let's get it done" attitude I usually have.

2. I decided to use up all of my medium weight yarn and make baby afghans and matching hats for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. All I have left in my wool stash is the fine baby wool, and it is going to be made into small baby sweaters for the pregnancy center.  That will not be accomplished as quickly but it will happen. 

3. The connections I have made with groups and services within the city that help the needy. I feel so much more in the know than I did at the end of the year. 

4. I learned how to just "be" in winter.  Even though I did some big projects, I also learned how to just sit and knit, watch curling and be content, that is what retirement is all about. 

5. If you live in Manitoba, or the prairies in general, you have to accept the fact that a good portion of your year is going to be preparing for winter, enduring winter or watching the snow melt.  I got a break from winter when I went to Comox which is nice.  I think a break from winter is needed in life.  I doubt I will ever be the type of person to escape winter because it is part of life for me, but just a bit of time away does help.  

I am hoping as you read this you are reflecting on what made your first quarter of 2023 good for you.  Let's be grateful for the fact we are Canadians and we get it all. Bring on the second quarter, spring and the start of summer, my favorite seasons. 

Oreo Cheesecakes

Separate Oreo cookies and put icing half  in lined muffing cup.  Crush the top cookies. 

Beat together: 1 package of cream cheese, 1/4 c sugar, 1 egg and vanilla.

Spoon over cookies and top with crumbs. 

Bake at 325 for 20-25 mins. You can double the recipe for a thicker filling.

Brownie Pizza

Melt 3/4 cup of margarine, blend in 1/2 c cocoa and Set aside.  

Cream until light and fluffy: 1 cup of sugar, 3 eggs and 1 tsp of vanilla. Add cocoa mixture and mix well.

Fold in: 1 cup flour, 3/4 tsp baking powder and 1/4 tsp salt. 

Spread into a lightly greased pizza pan. Top with M&Ms, almonds or chocolate chips of your choice.  

Bake at 350 for 15 mins.  Drizzle melted chocolate over cake if desired.  


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