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What did you learn about yourself in 2022

I was driving one day and the radio announcer asked the question "what did you learn about yourself in 2022?".  I felt that was a very thought provoking question and a great blog topic.  In that moment I couldn't think of one single thing I had learned, not one came to mind. So, here I sit with my keyboard, re-thinking her question. 

My biggest 2022 lesson about myself came early in the year when Mom's house fire occurred on January 11.  I learned that I felt prepared for nearly everything except for a fire.  Not sure why fire wasn't on the list, but it wasn't, not the depth I needed if it was. I also learned that I can drop everything and adjust my plans and be where I need to be, for as long as I need to be there.  During the following days after the fire, I learned how very humble I became watching the generosity and love that was extended to Mom during those dark days.  That same caring and love has extended through out the entire year.     

In 2022, I made the adjustment to being retired.  I have learned the art of relaxing in retirement.  I am really and I mean really enjoying not having to jump out of bed and get going all in a few minutes.  I love to sit and drink coffee, browse my computer and have a slow start to my day.  Some days that slow start means I don't get dressed until noon.  I find I am way more productive in my housecoat, than actual clothes.  My entire life, even as a baby, I did not nap.  I have learned this year how to slot in a nap when I feel I need one. The problem with me is I have never been a good night time sleeper and the time I spend napping is now deducted from the night time hours.  I am simply not doing enough in the day to tire my body enough to crave sleep.  But, I don't worry about it, I have nothing but time.  It doesn't matter what time I get up in the morning or go to bed at night.  I just can't believe I live that kind of life.    

I learned if I really want something, I might as well go for it.  I feel so accomplished getting my blog up and running.  Although, it takes a very long time to write a post, it is time well spent.  I am learning how to express myself through words.  The topics just pop into my head, usually from a conversation or something I saw on Facebook.  My goal was for my readers to enjoy the post, and create some personal reflection on their part.  For some reason, it was important that I include some of my little life tricks and maybe inspire others to try them.  I find writing a very therapeutic practice and a release for my soul. 

I have learned to be way more spontaneous.  I decided that I will act when I think of doing something as opposed to overthinking it and then decide against it.  I hear so many people speak about this very thing. Just do it and do it right now, is the way I manage things now. For 90% of the time this happens, maybe, if I don't forget. I find that I send that Thank you text or make a comment on Facebook in the moment. You have to comment quickly on Facebook because the next time you check it is gone.  When I get word that someone is grieving, I get the sympathy card ready.  I haven't been much of a procrastinator in my life, but I was getting to be one. I decided to pay my bills when I get them.  I can postdate the day they are paid, but the job of bill paying is done.  Not ready for automatic payment, that may be next years lesson.  With this new plan, the bills won't build up by the microwave, and on a rare occasion they have managed to miss their due date. 
Even though I believe in thanking people, I have learned that I don't expect the same in return. A "Thank You" is just a bonus not an expectation for doing something nice. I love to write a thank you as soon as I get something.  I have standards and a Thank you for me includes letting the person know how it made me feel.  I have learned, that is me and not everyone.  


It is a work in progress but I am learning how to not get in my head about something.  I find the problem will take on a life of it's own and take up way more headspace than it deserves. In life if we are involved in any situation, we have a part in it. For me when I identify my part, apologize if necessary, I am able to let it go and free myself from the situation.   


One of my biggest 2022 lesson came when I decided to take control of my health and my finances.   When I worked in healing, I worked very closely with my partner in crime, also my friend who is a reflexologist.  We would advise clients to designate 2 hours a month to get some time of health therapy.  It could be anything that they enjoyed and worked for them. In our educated opinion 2 hours seems to keep a person in good working order. I try to make sure I have 2 hours of health therapy a month, and I have to agree it does keep a person healthy.  I have always liked to go the natural route but I have accepted that at my age, a prescription may be necessary.  I have joined a group to help with my spiritual and emotional health and that is refreshing for me. I have my finances in the best shape they have ever been. That has required considerable google searches on my part, but I have to say I am impressed with myself. I am just so proud of the fact that I have started to manage these things in my life and I am learning so much because of it.    

I learned that I have wonderful souls on my friend list.  Friends are like a band aid, in any moment they can make it better.  My friends have always come through for me and I love to spend time with them. They are important to me and have had a huge impact on my life.  I hope everyone has at least one person on their "soul friend list".  

I have learned that I like to have deep conversations.  They can be about life, tough topics or laden with opinion. Those emotional conversations that are hard for many people are the ones I like the most. I guess I miss those deep conversations I used to have when I was working on Palliative.  We have a tendency to want to make everything okay by saying the right thing.  When in fact many people just need to talk about what is hurting them or has hurt them.  They need an outlet to do so and trust that the person they are sharing with, will really listen, pass no judgement or try to make them feel better.      

I have learned I am so much more "in the moment" than I was when I was leading a life of hour to hour appointments. This is also described as "being present".  There is so many things that interrupt being present, a ping on the phone, the TV being on or simply lacking the concentration required to be present. If you are interrupted or being talked over that person is not present.  But, maybe they can't be and that is simply okay, it is not for everyone.  

As I close out this post, I want to encourage each of you to take some time to reflect on what you have learned about yourself in 2022.  I know you will be very happy with the results, personal growth happens and we aren't even aware of it. Make yourself aware. 


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