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Merry Christmas

Today is Christmas Day 2022, and my wish for you is that you will be enjoying some kind of Christmas magic. Magic can come in a variety of ways, so just have yourself a magical little day.  
It goes without saying that Christmas is for kids.  The little ones have once again, waited it out and will finally get to see what Santa left them and open the many gifts under the tree.  Life for them is the best ever. 


I never think about Christmas without reflecting on how Dad would talk about his childhood Christmas memories.  He came from a large family and everyone of them have fond Christmas memories.  Dad said one year he got a pair of new knitted mitts, and he was delighted.  He carried them around all day. The package from Aunt Connie would arrive and it was the moment when time stood still, inside was a gift for everyone. Imagine the excitement for this large family getting their own gift in the mail.  Dad hung up his wool sock until he was 17 years old.  Being the second oldest of 10 no doubt that is the way it would be.  He never gave up on his excitement about Christmas and my memory of him on Christmas morning was that of a big kid. Santa was always very good to us, and he managed to leave the exact same thing as we picked out in the catalogue. 

My childhood memories of Christmas are also precious. The Christmas concert with new dresses that were made by Grandma was always a highlight.  Santa came at the end and gave out presents, I found out years later the gifts were provided by the parents, how sneaky of them. I remember how afraid I was of Santa as he bounced into the room.  I was sure happy to see him but just fearful. The Legion put on a parade followed by a free show and of course Santa arriving at the end to give out a bag of candy, nuts and an orange.  We spent Christmas Eve at my Dempsey Grandparents and we were allowed to open their one gift to us.  Yes, one gift from our grandparents and it was a treasure.  Christmas day was exciting, I can still envision coming downstairs in the morning to a tree already lit, the tinsel shining and underneath the first sight of Santa's delivery of new dolls.  Always a doll, Santa never wrapped his gifts, that is how we knew they were from him. 
Santa came through in a big way with not 
only dolls but a stroller and carriage.

Ready for the Christmas Concert

Every parent remembers the excitement of their kids on Christmas morning. It is so wonderful to have little believers in the house.  That time just seems to fly by all too quickly.  One tradition we had was to host a Boxing day brunch for friends.  The kids would be outside snowmobiling and the adults would enjoy the basement. The brunch often extended for most of the day, and I smile thinking of those December 26th memories. 

Some people just love Christmas and everything about it.  They shop all year long; they have their Christmas tree up in November.  The outside lights are twinkling as soon as they can, and they love everything about it.  I love their passion, but that is not me in my retired world. The things I enjoy about Christmas are simple and varied.  I really enjoy the look of mini lights, they bring me a sense of peace.  I continue to enjoy twinkle tours and love a well decorated home.  Those people that do it tastefully and make sure their lights are tight and not burnt out have my respect.  I like to bake and share my goodies.  I enjoy buying gifts for others, but I am finding that I am starting to buy more charity gifts in lieu of gifts for someone that is hard to buy for.  Every year it shifts for me and I try very hard to seek out new charities.  This year the new one was the Men's Resource center who collected filled socks for the downtown guests. I am saddened to think this will probably be the only thing these men will receive for Christmas.  But, happy to think if this is the first sock they have ever received what a lovely surprise it will be for them.   

A popular display
to visit in Brandon
Some homes are so 

This year would have been a horrible year to travel.  Flights are cancelled and traveling on the highway is difficult with frigid temperatures, ice and poor visibility. It seems that some families are certainly doing interesting things at Christmas and stepping away from tradition. Trips to warm spots is becoming very common.  A warm spot this year would be amazing, getting there not so much. 

There are so many emotions that come with Christmas. Some families may be a bit raw and have a hole in their heart and sad with grief, I hope you take your time to cry and smile about that person.  If you are that person that wishes Christmas was different, remind yourself it is only one day.  Christmas is expensive and with the cost of food, you may be overwhelmed with a large crowd of family coming for a traditional meal.  Many, may be thinking of the credit card bill that needs to be paid when this is all over.  Christmas has such a varied reaction and is very individual as to what gets a person through the day.   
I really enjoy my fireplace at Christmas
Two socks Mom and I filled for the
Downtown guests.

We, the seniors say how Christmas has changed and it has. We all have to remember what the "norm" is for any age. The norm for my age on Christmas morning, was a sock full of candies and a orange from Santa, along with the much anticipated dolls we had picked from the catalogue. The norm for my Dad's age group was a meager gift that was probably hand made. The norm for children in 2022 is what appears to be "lots". Just so many choices for children and not only is Santa generous but so are other family members. I hope your norm this year is to have a joyous day how ever you plan to celebrate, simply make the day

"Merry and Bright".


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